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Season 2019

  • S2019E01 STARTING A NEW CHANNEL (after 1.2 million)

    • November 13, 2019

    it's me, damon d. and i'm ready to make these series for all y'all! friday night red wine talks, dating with damon, videos in french again (c'mon nowwww), and of course, the mini travel docuseries!

  • S2019E02 Morality, tinder, being "risqué," youtube fame, w ???? and @bestdressed

    • November 15, 2019

    How can you get married so young, when you haven't been to a rave yet? Why won't this French dude respond to Ashley's DM? Who is the ultimate judge of morality? Are we just robots living in a society fueled by "productivity?" Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy more cheap red wine for another Friday Night Red Wine Talks - this time, with my girl Ashley from Best Dressed.

  • S2019E03 Le strip teaseur Italien homophobe de la boîte gay ❤️Dating avec Damon

    • November 21, 2019

    Comment tu dis “ Arrêtes toi là avant de dire une grosse connerie » en Italien ? Pourquoi c’est toujours les mecs type Dieux du Stade qui sont les plus sexy, mais surtout les plus racistes, xénophobes ET homophobes ?? Bienvenu dans Dating avec Damon, 1er episode.

  • S2019E04 L’Algérien qui m’a ghosté à Prague ❤️Dating avec Damon

    • November 28, 2019

    Il était une fois genre récemment, la Grande Nicki Minaj proclama « Vous les m*rdes pouvez même pas épeler Prague », et je parie que c’était le cas pour David. Le mec pouvait même pas pondre une réponse à mes 15 SMS et appels transfrontaliers. Je lui facture le demi SMIC de hors forfait ? Bienvenu dans Dating avec Damon, 2ème épisode


    • December 5, 2019

    C’est qui le boss ?? Clairement celui qui vient de gérer tous les problèmes pour enfin chopper un appart’ à Paris ! Vous savez déjà depuis combien de temps je fais des aller retours à Paris ! Voici LE guide qui vous ouvre les secrets du monde de l’immobilier à Paris, comment j’ai géré les appels avec les agences, le copier/coller du message envoyé au proprio, et toutes les autres m*rdes qu’il faut avoir en tête comme avoir un garant et autres lois suprêmes auxquelles Moïse n’avait sûrement pas pensé. J’ai a-do-ré.

  • S2019E06 Et si je voulais pas avoir de gosses? Prendre de l’âge, être plus intéressant à l’étranger ft.????

    • December 13, 2019

    Pourquoi le serveur a donné mon cocktail fruits rouge couleur Tagada à Charline ? Est-ce que c’est égoïste d’avoir des enfants pour pas se sentir seul quand t’auras 80ans ? Pourquoi ma personnalité deviens si soporifique quand je parle une autre langue ? Pourquoi ça me rend fou quand cette personne me répond pas, alors que je fais la même chose aux autres ? Trop de questions, et autant de réponses ? On va voir ça !

  • S2019E07 Comment j'ai ENFIN ouvert mon compte courant à Paris (en tant qu'étranger)

    • December 20, 2019

    Sur mes 99 problèmes, l’administration française en est responsable d’au moins 100. D’un côté, mon Fitbit me gratifie des semi-marathons quotidiens que j’ai dû me taper entre la quasi-totalité des banques de Paris, mais de l’autre, j’aurais jamais pensé que c’était si compliqué de trouver qqn qui veuille bien de mes économies !

Season 2020

Season 2021

  • S2021E01 Où est D _ _ _ _ D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? ????

    • March 4, 2021

    I just spent the last three months revising the last ten years of studying French, so you don't have to. Here are all the shortcuts to textbook french, and all the strategies for street french. In other words, here's all the French I wish I had learned in French Class. Seriously - just save yourself the time, money, and headaches and enroll now! *cue informercial music*

  • S2021E02 21 Questions in 21 Locations in 20 Minutes and 21 Seconds for 2021 ????

    • March 11, 2021

    Team D here to reach 1 million this year? The Dominique Republic? Damafia? Let's get to know each other with these 21 questions y'all asked me on Instagram. Is that one game "20 Questions" or "21 questions?" Whatever. I did 21 questions in 20 arrondissements in 20 minutes and 21 seconds for 2021. Booty boom boom boom.

  • S2021E03 Exposing my best one-fork recipes, as the world's worst chef ????????‍????

    • March 19, 2021

    Me in the kitchen? A recipe for disaster. I get nervous when I cut vegetables. When do you put the lid on the pot? Is plastic microwavable? Do you use olive oil for pancakes? All this and more from yours truly, the world's worst chef.

  • S2021E04 What it's like to sleep on a boat in front of the Eiffel Tower (scary)

    • March 25, 2021

    so i'm on a boat, on a river, in paris, in front of the eiffel tower.

  • S2021E05 I wrote a letter to my future self ten years ago and here's what it said ????

    • April 1, 2021

    Soooooo...about this letter. Um?

  • S2021E06 comment j'ai ENFIN réussi à convaincre mon réparateur de venir faire son travail

    • April 8, 2021

    C'est juste que...ça me surpend que la France ne gagne pas plus de médailles aux JO parce qu'ils sont très doués pour me faire courir dans tous les sens...

  • S2021E07 I went to Paris, Texas bc Paris, France went into lockdown (again)

    • April 15, 2021

    Paris, but make it Texas!

  • S2021E08 What a Real Day in Houston Looks Like ????????

    • April 22, 2021

    Houston, we have a problem.

  • S2021E09 I went to Miami and all I got was this lousy video ????????????‍♂️

    • May 6, 2021

    Well where do I even start? That guys can't wear tank tops to that club but girls can? That I just want some sweet plantains? That my favorite part of Miami was the Vizcaya gardens which felt, actually, like the least Miami thing? Ugh - I went to Miami and all I got was this lousy video!

  • S2021E10 Me, a travel vlogger, roasting what's in my suitcase for 15 minutes

    • May 13, 2021

    Ok, so we got genius mushrooms, ground turmeric, everything but the bagel seasoning — Here’s the official tour of how I furnished my 1 square foot apartment!

  • S2021E11 Seeing how my 2014 NYC routine holds up in 2021 NYC ????

    • May 20, 2021

    Legend has it that if you can make it here, you'll make it anywhere - and that's only because your ears will have endured 534 simultaneous sirens and people yelling on the street.

  • S2021E12 Being unf*ckwithable, Ms #SoloTravel, and the Dontcha Wish Your GF Was Hot Like Me concept w ????

    • May 27, 2021

    Red Wine Talks is bAcK and first up is my fireball, stand-up comedian of a friend Cassy, who runs a podcast literally named Globethotter. One thing is for sure: she's a serial solo traveler and the only *tRuE* competition I see...for that French firefighter at the bar Arnaud. Spoiler: she won. But hey bébé, the firefighter ball in Paris happens annually, so what's good this summer, huh?

  • S2021E13 Places in NYC I've always wanted to go, but never went, and so now I'm going to ????

    • June 3, 2021

    I ❤️(to hate) New York.

  • S2021E14 Gays not driving, Not everyone will like you, Shut Up and Go w ????

    • June 10, 2021

    Ok first off, this is one of my favorite Talks yet. Once upon a time, Nasir sent a tweet and got a job at Shut Up and Go. 4 years later, here we are sipping and discussing why we all feel the desire to be liked by everyone...when *we* don't even like everyone? And why you would feel bizarre saying you're a wRiTeR but also, like, you've written for global publications, so you quite literally ARE a writer? Then we dive into Mediocrity™️...everyone agrees it's boring, but why are so few actually stepping beyond it? Then we go into the general dislike for hierarchy and not enjoying the boss-employee power dynamic; how we prefer an ensemble cast; how your job needs you more than you need it; how you might have to lower your modesty to be successful in entertainment - did I mention this is one of my favorites? At this point, y'all had to click See More in the description to read all of this cuz I'm that excited and *still writing. Anyway, all of this and more on his rooftop in Brooklyn (that is apparently next to Terminal 3 at JFK airport!?). The f!ck...

  • S2021E15 Everyone is moving to Texas, losing your passion, your choices are never permanent w ????

    • June 17, 2021

    Y’all first off, can you tell us why we now procrastinate on things we once loved and fought so hard for? Ok so in this episode, I'm corrupting the tech and skateboarding sectors of YouTube by breaking into Sara Dietschy and John Hill's new loft and bringing the wine. If you've never been to Dallas, you should know that everyone deserves a glass of wine after one attempt at changing lanes on an 8-lane Dallas freeway, so in many ways, I feel like I'm not so much corrupting as I am *helping* them. Anyway - I like this episode because well, I don't have many "couple" friends, let alone many who live in Texas.

  • S2021E16 On DamonAndJo

    • June 24, 2021

    Addressing the "What happened to DamonAndJo?" elephant in the room so I can continue with my next chapter.

  • S2021E17 I went to Venice before overtourism takes over again ????????

    • June 30, 2021

    I went to Italy just for a panini, and cuz the Open Travel Index said I could with an antigen test. Also, can somebody please find Ermentrude the cat, Narcisse from Tinder, and a new chef for all of Venice? The seagulls are hungry.

  • S2021E18 Free-spirited *and* financially literate, Paris on the birth certificate, & lucid dreaming w ????

    • July 8, 2021

    It's ELENNNNNNA and we're here to dive into financial education for people who are bored by finance. Why am I stashing all this money for retirement when I'mma be tired and crusty and not in tip-top shape to invest my money on travels around the world rIgHt nOw (at which point I'll be more interesting and more qualified and more world and could make *more* money at any given job?). Anyway, SHE'S NOT A CERTIFIED ACCOUNTANT BLAH BLAH BLAH DISCLAIMER THIS DISCLAIMER THAT. In other news: Have Instagram handles take the place of last names? How long can a career on social media *really* last? Are you able to talk to your parents about your dirty laundry? And lastly: how can I steal her passport so my birthplace says Paris?

  • S2021E19 Seeing how my 2011 Paris routine holds up in 2021 Paris ????

    • July 15, 2021

    Oh Pah-ree...what a beaut---is that urine? I know I didn't come to the "most beautiful city on Earth" for THIS. Is this the same Paris I studied abroad in 2011? Let's find out...

  • S2021E20 "Big city" FOMO, philosophy degrees, influencing past memories, and psychedelics w ????

    • July 24, 2021

    Is there a point to life itself, or are we fooling ourselves by distracting ourselves with things like chasing success or love? Why are we so focused on appearing successful or looking for someone to love us - wouldn't that mean that we're prioritizing how others view us instead of how *we* view ourselves? Are big boobs worth it or just straight-up back pain? And why is it so hard to sit normally in this chair? If you're into exploring these kinds of questions and tHouGhT eXpEriMenTs then you're gonna love this episode of Red Wine Talks with yet another subscriber in a coffee shop turned good friend, Anna.

  • S2021E21 Is the USA "free," your 20s vs 30s, high school trauma w ???? and my best friends from childhood

    • August 7, 2021

    Why does the USA brainwash us into thinking we're the only country that has "freedom?" We know that time is a construct, but still, why does it feel like there's something about turning 30 that seems...so refreshing? And lastly, after all these years around the world, I feel like my friends from the good ol' friendly Midwest would be the *first* to speak up if they felt they were being treated unfairly (which is not the perception people have about that part of the world!?). In other words, they are not afraid to put a rude a$$ mofo in their place. This and more with some of my closest friends from my childhood in Indiana!

  • S2021E22 Around the World in 80 Dates ❤️ (my travel show pilot)

    • October 6, 2021

    Sorry Lonely Planet, but the planet ain't so lonely anymore. His name is Damon and he's...putting the ex in expat, the solo in solo travel, and the lust in wanderlust as he learns about world cultures through dating them. In this travel show pilot that I'll be sending to every TV exec I can find on LinkedIn, I'm diving into Romania, where I have the right to "Romain" silent in the court of love! ????????

  • S2021E23 How I made Around the World in 80 Dates ????

    • October 19, 2021

    The behind the scenes of how I came up with and edited that show pilot from a mac with a missing F key and an inflated 516GB Final Cut Pro library, but still made it work (with lots of eye-rolling and frustrated voice notes to the filmmaker, who doubled as a sit-in therapist).

  • S2021E24 I'm F****** Outta Here (ch 1)

    • November 5, 2021

    I’m movin’!

  • S2021E25 Go Big or Go Home (ch 2)

    • November 20, 2021

  • S2021E26 13 Going On 30 (ch 3)

    • November 26, 2021

  • S2021E27 Here's my new apartment (ch 4)

    • December 15, 2021

Season 2022

  • S2022E01 Get in. We're going to Slovakia. (ch 5)

    • January 4, 2022

    Guys I’m back. Sorry bout that: bc I never say no to an opportunity to travel, I found myself in the middle of Europe in the depth of winter, in the age of Omícrônne.

  • S2022E02 What my €1670 Parisian Bachelor Pad Looks Like (ch 6)

    • February 7, 2022

  • S2022E02 What my €1670 Parisian Bachelor Pad Looks Like (ch 6)

    • February 7, 2022

  • S2022E03 The void (ch 7)

    • February 23, 2022

    I've HAD ENOUGH, I TELL YOU! I can feel some massive shift and it’s time for a new world order. Are my 30s my spiritual guru era? Eckhart Tolle, WATCH YOUR SPOT!

  • S2022E04 Montezuma got his revenge in Guatemala (ch 8)

    • April 12, 2022

    PART ONE: I cut y'all OFF, as I dramatically took every mode of transportation to get to the remote village of San Marcos La Laguna, where I did a four-day vegan yoga retreat. My vibration is high and so am I after that Mayan cacao. Got em.

  • S2022E05 Meet my new Guatemalan best friend (ch 9)

    • May 2, 2022

  • S2022E05 Meet my new Guatemalan best friend (ch 9)

    • May 2, 2022

  • S2022E06 A Masterclass for Smart People Who Aren’t Interested in Money & Finance ???? (ch 10)

    • May 22, 2022

    Everything I didn’t know I should know about finance in one unbiased video, in terms even a true dumb-dumb like myself at 29 could understand. Not me over here thinking I was smart for not investing my money??? Why don't our public schools, funded by taxes, teach us this? OH RIGHTTTT I'm on to y'all. Let me teach you everything (the pros and cons) about stocks, ETFs, IRAs, retirements, crypto, real estate, being abroad, and my overall philosophy toward money. This is the Non-Finance Person’s Finance Masterclass™️ Just remember guys: "None of this is financial advice" ???? I've really had enough...

  • S2022E07 What a basic a$$ day ALONE in Paris looks like for me (ch 11)

    • May 28, 2022

    Did you know we, as humans spend over 75% of our lives alone? Actually I just made that up but it sounds good, and quite accurate. Here's what a typical, random, and average day in Paris has looked like recently for me.

  • S2022E08 I went to the Lovers & Friends Festival in Vegas and... (ch 12)

    • June 16, 2022

    So we went to the Lovers and Friends Festival...

  • S2022E09 How I ate a lot of beans to get ✨ the bOdY ✨ (and as a vegan) (ch 13)

    • July 1, 2022

    It was all about portions honestly. Bodies are made in the kitchen!

  • S2022E10 I don’t think I’ve ever said no to a trip (ch 14)

    • July 22, 2022

    It’s one of my closest friends (of over 10 years)’s birthday - ok, literally HOW in that case do you do possessive punctuation? “It’s one of my closest’s friend’s birthdays, whom I have known for 10 years?” I don’t know. Whom? Whose? Who? Fck it. I’m switching to Italian. In a whirlwind of a week, we went from Milano, to Crema, back to Milano, then first-class train to Paris cuz we're 30 and have been on Earth too long to not treat ourselves the extra €30 of peace and quiet on the train. Y'all even read these by the way? I never know?

  • S2022E11 I'm finally launching my boo-- *writer's block* (ch 15)

    • July 29, 2022

    Damon Dominique, pioneer of the modern-day social media travel scene and star of countless popular YouTube travel vlogs and documentaries, shares his insights and stories from a decade of globetrotting, guiding you through questions such as, 'Are you loyal to your country?' Why or why not?, What culture or country do you remember romanticizing about as a kid?', and 'How do you feel about a global language?'

  • S2022E12 ¡Holáåäãāà! (yes, after five months lol)

    • December 10, 2022

    I've been in Miami and Mexico undergoing my metamorphosis from Damon to Damón, so I can fulfill my mission statement of helping gringos like myself pull a fast one on the least expecting people with some beautiful language skills. Next up: SPANISH, my first love. Here are all the shortcuts to overly proper textbook Spanish, and all the strategies for modern, street Spanish. In other words, here's all the Spanish I wish I had learned in Spanish Class. Seriously - just save yourself the time, money, and headaches and enroll now! cue informercial music

Season 2023

Season 2024