Dr Gilmore receives a letter from his very good friend Dr Ross, who writes that since the death of the BG, he has been set free and is now interested in nature and animals. He has discovered a valley where he says that he has found living dinosaurs. He asks for 009 and the others to come visit him and help him to catch the beasts. The team takes off to visit the Doctor with the thought in their minds, ""has he really been set free from the confines of the BG?""
길모어 박사는 예전에 함께 사이보그 연구개발에 힘쓰던 로스 박사로부터 한통의 편지를 받는다. 백악기 시대의 공룡이 다시 나타났다는 내용이다. 진상을 밝히기 위해 사이보그 00넘버 용사들은 열대우림지역으로 달려간다. 괴멸된 줄 알았던 블랙고스트 군단의 검은 그림자가 또다시 어른거린다.
تلقى الدكتور غيلمور رسالة من صديقه العزيز الدكتور روس، الذي كتب أنه منذ وفاة الشبح الاسود، تم إطلاق سراحه وهو الآن مهتم بالطبيعة والحيوانات. اكتشف واديًا حيث يقول إنه وجد ديناصورات حية. يطلب من 009 والآخرين الحضور لزيارته ومساعدته في الإمساك بالوحوش. ينطلق الفريق لزيارة الطبيب مع التفكير في أذهانهم، "هل تم تحريره حقًا من قيود الشبح الاسود؟"