Ten years ago, with the release of his debut film REPRISE, a spirited drama about two young aspiring novelists, Norwegian filmmaker Joachim Trier emerged as one of the most interesting new voices in European cinema. His follow-up effort OSLO, AUGUST 31ST, made five years later, reimagined Louis Malle’s 1966 French character study THE FIRE WITHIN in the context of contemporary Norway. Both of Trier’s first two films were melancholy meditations concerned with existential questions of love, ambition, memory, and identity, as well as intimate experiments combining a punk ethos with poetic refinement. And with his latest film, the English-language drama LOUDER THAN BOMBS, which opened this week, Trier has tackled his most challenging effort to date. He paid us a visit to chat about directing, filmmakers who inspire him, and even stepped into our DVD and Blu-ray closet to highlight some favorite films.
Name | Type | Role | |
Joachim Trier | Guest Star |