New three-part series highlighting advanced forensic techniques used by the Scottish Police Authority. The series focuses on high-profile Scottish murder cases. Director of SPA Forensic Services, Tom Nelson, formed a partnership unique to Scotland, based on the premise that SPA scientists would work in close collaboration with Police Scotland and the Criminal Justice System in every aspect of an investigation, directly from crime scene to court, to help seek answers to some of the country's most complex and baffling murder cases. In episode one, forensic scientists Carol Weston and Pauline McSorley revisit two murders that shocked Scotland, one of which would ultimately uncover a serial killer.
The second film series witnesses Peter Tobin finally exposed as a serial killer and focuses on the forensic investigation behind his ultimate arrest and conviction. Tobin may have been locked up for life, but violence on the streets of Glasgow reached epidemic proportions in a single summer month when murders soared well into double figures, stretching the resources of police and forensic investigation teams to the absolute limit. In one particularly shocking weekend, two young professional women were brutally murdered within 24 hours of each other... Moira Jones and Eleni Pachou were the unfortunate victims, but the dogged dedication and skill of Scotland's collaborative teams, especially under such intense pressure, meant their killers were brought to justice.
Tayside Police and the Dundee-based Forensic Team are baffled when two children find a 'head on a beach'. Subsequently, various other body parts are discovered. The murder of Jolanta Bledaite shocked the sleepy fishing town of Arbroath... Carol Jarvis, over-medicated by her husband in the small town of Bathgate, whilst his co-conspirator mistress takes up residence in the garden shed... John Kennedy, murdered by his neighbour in Dundee with motive still unknown... This week they look at cases perceived by the perpetrators to be 'The Perfect Murder'. However, advances in forensic technology, combined with clever detective work, can expose even the most careful criminal. The series closes with a new chapter in forensics... when forensic science reveals the culprit to the Police, rather than merely corroborating police evidence.