Not wanting to unnecessarily drag anyone into her dispute with United Mankind, Lafiel insists that her anti-empire captors-turned-allies split from Jinto and herself in the underground tunnels in which they've sought refuge.
There are too many men in pursuit and not enough pathways, however, and Jinto and Lafiel eventually run into a dead end. Though the bombs lobbed in their direction succeed in causing slight injury, they also open the way for the duo to flee into the amusement park on the other side of the wall that had previously blocked their escape.
They haven't reached safety just yet, however, because the city police force -- also involved in the chase but familiar with Jinto and Lafiel's secret route -- has anticipated the pair's arrival.
Doing their best to avoid capture, they make the mistake of backtracking through the park and again encounter United Mankind's military. Now hunted by two irate and heavily armed groups, Jinto and Lafiel's options seem limited, even when the
Emportés par une explosion, Zint et Rafiel se retrouvent dans le jardin fantastique de Gouzogne. Ils tentent de s'enfuir, mais sont coincés par la police juste avant la sortie. Ils se rendent à contrecœur, mais sont confrontés au capitaine de gendarmerie Kite. Il déteste Irv et pointe la bouche de son arme sur Rafiul. Cependant, Zindt prend position et tente de protéger Rafiul.