Despite odds stacked heavily against her, Lafiel -- relatively inexperienced as both pilot and soldier -- emerges victorious in her battle with the baron. That doesn't mean that Jinto and the princess haven't also suffered a loss, however.
The delay caused by their imprisonment has allowed the United Mankind to beat them to the planet of Sufugnoff, and the invasion they could have possibly prevented is already under way by the time they arrive.
The enemy has also detected their presence and launches an attack, but Lafiel again displays some deft maneuvering and they are able to elude death once more. Though they've managed to survive the initial confrontation, Jinto and Lafiel's options are limited because the orbiting tower where they would have docked has been destroyed.
With nowhere else to go, they turn their attention toward Sufugnoff's surface, but the ship in which they are traveling may not be equipped for the landing. Worse still, Lafiel -- despite all of her training -- has n
Rafiel et Zint font leurs adieux à la baronnie de Febdash et se tournent à nouveau vers Sfagnof. Cependant, la porte de Sfagnof est déjà tombée aux mains de l'ennemi. La poursuite est repoussée de justesse, mais ils ne sont pas acceptés à la base prévue, et Zint et son équipe sont contraints d'atterrir en catastrophe sur la planète Krasbühl.