Watch as I clear your mind of all the female confusion. If by coincidence you are a female, watch in shame, you know it's all true. Lol. Jk, just my spin on boy vs girl topic.
Just a rundown of the last friday of my junior year. So many funny moments that I got on tape. Lol. If you pay attention you will notice my counterpart Terrance from Thee411Crew has a few cameos in it. Enjoy.
R.I.P M.J First off. The undisputed King of Pop. Just me ranting about how I feel on taking life for granted. Here's a thought: Don't do it!! Lol.
Just my take on what I know about the female species and how to get them, while I make a couple of side trips on the way. Lol. Enjoy and have a nice week.
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Three-Way Collab. Me and my best buds, Terrance and Brandon sharing our most scary nightmares. Enjoy ^_^