What is the difference between Christianity and the seemingly universal, worldwide religion natural to mankind that supposes heaven can be earned by good works? “The Bible makes it very clear that we are saved by grace through faith,” says Dr. Kennedy, “that it is a free gift from God, and it is appropriated by faith in Jesus Christ.”
Do you understand the times and what is going on in our country? Does it seem to you like one great big experiment to see what happens when our nation abandons God’s moral absolutes? When Albert Einstein published his law of relativity, he never imagined it would be extended beyond physics to apply even to issues of truth and immorality. But we see all around us the consequences of believing these falsehoods.
There is a war underway, often called the "culture war," for the minds and souls and lives of every American, and it has been going on apace and growing in intensity. It is ultimately a battle of faith against unbelief.
Dr. Kennedy’s poignant account of the tumultuous life of the great 16th century reformer of Scotland contains lessons on what it means to be a hero for Christ today. “Regardless of how much knowledge, faith or zeal we have, if we don’t have much courage,” says Dr. Kennedy, “we’re not going to accomplish much.” Be inspired for our own battles by Dr. Kennedy's stirring message.
We live in a time of great difficulty and division. But God promises that His purpose will prevail in our lives, which includes our greatest trials. “No matter how great the evil, if it touches your life,” says Dr. Kennedy, “God is going to reach down and take it captive and hold it until it releases that good which He has planned for you.”
In the face of national crisis, the calls for repentance, prayer and God’s mercy all indicate the need for a massive revival and great awakening. “For Him to hear our prayers, to forgive our sins, and to restore our shield,” says Dr. Kennedy, “would be a glorious outcome of these tragic events of recent days.”
In the first of the Ten Commandments, God tells us that we are to have no other gods before Him. That command entails more than most people understand. The Triune God of the Bible is both infinite and personal. There is none like God who is worthy of all our worship.
What difference does it make whether people take the name of God in vain? “My friends, it makes a great deal of difference,” warns Dr. Kennedy, “You see, God is the giver of life … when life of the greatest Life Giver is held in contempt, then the life of man is also held in contempt and becomes as cheap as grains of sand.”
Political correctness might dictate that all religions are the same—but the truth is far better. “I believe that Christianity is not like other religions,” argues Dr. D. James Kennedy, “I believe it is diametrically opposed to all of them. I believe that Christ and Christianity are unique in the true meaning of that word—not unusual, but unique.” Discover why Christianity is not only unlike other religions, but diametrically opposed to them.
“We have forgotten, in many cases,” relates Dr. Kennedy, “the scriptural admonition of the fifth commandment which says: ‘Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.’ This is called the first commandment with promise.” Obedience to this commandment affects not only families, but nations.
This Thanksgiving week we consider the intrinsic nature of gratitude to the well-being of every Christian. There is a refreshing drink for our hearts and souls that can bring joy to those around us, too, called gratitude to God. “If we are going to demonstrate ourselves to be the children of God, of the infinitely gracious God,” observes Dr. Kennedy, “then we cannot be thankless and Christian at the same time.”
Are you robbing God? There are many who are stingy with the Lord, not realizing the truth of His promise that He will : "open the windows of Heaven and pour out such a blessing there wouldn’t be room enough to receive it” to the faithful.
No question has plagued the minds of men as continuously and as long as that one raised by Job more than forty centuries ago: "If a man die, shall he live again?” Dr. Kennedy notes how appropriate this message is for the holidays, "because of all of the gifts that Christ brought into the world, the greatest by far is the gift of life.
Christmas - it is the most wonderful time of the year because we celebrate the birth of the greatest man who ever lived. “He came miraculously into this world, He lived a miraculous life, and he departed miraculously into Heaven…” marvels Dr. Kennedy, “He came into the stench of a stable, to cleanse us, purify us, forgive us, and give us eternal life in a mansion in Paradise.” Join us this week for this classic Christmastime message.
There is simply nothing like Christmas; it is totally unique in this world. At Christmas we mark the arrival of the one who divided time, who is worshipped on every continent of the earth, and who, unlike most religious teachers, held himself out as the content of his teaching. Was this an act of egoism? No, it was the truth of the one who came to die on our behalf so that we could have eternal life.
There is great hope in knowing that Almighty God, who knows the end from the beginning, placed us here at this time for His glory. He has a purpose for us right here and now.
Are you right with God? Do you know beyond any peradventure of a doubt that should you die today that you will be in Heaven forever? So would say, if being honest, “Well, I hope so, but I… I’m not sure.” The fact of the matter is, you may not even know that anyone can be sure, but there are hundreds of millions of people in this world who are sure, and you can be too.
Did you know that originally the pledge of allegiance was designed as a subversive instrument to turn this nation into a Socialist country? Dr. Kennedy shares how that failed effort ended up for God’s glory. "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!" - Psalm 33:12 ESV
What is so hard to understand about God's commandment, Thou Shalt Do No Murder? These simple words are often complicated by competing ideas about capital punishment, abortion, and animal slaughter. Dr. Kennedy explores what God’s word has to say about matters of life and death. Then we meet a young women who miraculously survived a late-term saline abortion and is now a powerful advocate for the pro-life cause.
“The most common question asked by young women,” says Dr. Kennedy, “when they come into abortion clinics is this, ‘is it a baby?’ And what they were told millions of times? ‘No, it is not.’”
In the Biblical view, truth is still true even if nobody believes it. At the same time, lies are false even if everyone believes them. So, why are lies and falsehood so endemic in our society?
In a time of revisionist history when Americans are being separated from the principles of their nation's founding, it is vitally important to understand the spiritual foundation of our nation, which spurred the spread of liberty throughout America.
Revisionist historians have been engaged in an effort to tear down the founding fathers of America for decades. Allegations of affairs, unethical behavior, and atheism (or deism) are now common charges when it comes to recent historians describing the founding generation. And yet many of those accounts are flat wrong--and even dishonest. The father of our country, George Washington, has often been victimized by such specious claims.
"Today I would like to talk about America’s greatest hero," begins Dr. Kennedy, "The one who did more for our freedom, for the establishment of a Christian nation here than anyone else." He then traces through ancient history to show how God’s Sovereign purposes worked to establish America as a Christian nation. Jesus Christ is and always will be our greatest hero of hope.
“Our founders built this godly nation that we have inherited,” says Dr. Kennedy, “and we have seen it … being torn down." What will it take to rebuild it? We take a look at the godly intentions stated by our founders regarding America. Will we seek, as they did, to establish and maintain a nation for the glory of God and for the advancement of the kingdom of Jesus Christ? Or will we instead replace this inheritance of liberty with a secular dystopia?
The two great questions that all religions ask are, "Who is God?" and "How can I be with him forever?" Modern people tend to believe that religions all essentially offer the same answer, and that all paths lead to heaven. But do they? “All pagan religions,” explains Dr. Kennedy, “…boil down to man’s efforts to save himself … as opposed to Christ, who is the living God, who has proved such by His resurrection from the dead, and who freely gives eternal life.” Discover the utter uniqueness of Christianity--and why Jesus is the only way to God and heaven.
What is life all about? The myths surrounding St. Patrick won’t point you in the right direction--but the truth about him might. Dr. Kennedy debunks the popular myths and contrasts multiple views on life and death to reveal what results in abundant life.
What truly sets Christianity apart from every other religion? There are many religions, teachers and prophets but there is only one Gospel and one Savior, Jesus Christ. Dr. Kennedy observes, “all other religions have nothing really to offer except teachings. Christ offers Himself.” Discover the absolute uniqueness of Christianity on this powerful program.
On this Palm Sunday, we begin Holy Week by looking at the most heinous instance of judicial murder in the history of the world. “In the trial of Jesus Christ,” says Dr. Kennedy, “there were 48 crimes committed in the greatest sham trial in history.” And Dr. Kennedy explains how the the sinless Jesus was unjustly regarded as a sinner so that, by His grace, we could be regarded as righteous.
“The resurrection of Jesus Christ, which we celebrate today,” says Dr. Kennedy, “is the best proved fact of history.” While skeptics may deny the proof, we can know assuredly that we will rise from the dead, too, because Jesus is risen. He is risen, indeed!
Jesus said to a handful of people standing beside a lake in a nondescript corner of the Roman Empire: “You are the salt of the earth.” Amazing as it may seem, this astonishing statement and prophecy has turned out to be true.
How could something as awful as a life-shattering polio diagnosis be used for good?
The same old lies that “sin will make you happy” and “a little sin won’t harm you” have deceived many into destruction and sorrow. What can be done?
What kind of self-image do you have? Modern psychology has preached a prescription to "love yourself" that has caused inestimable damage. Only as we are directed outward to God do we find our true value.
The problems in America all boil down to one simple word, and that is sin. The only answer to that problem is Christ, and by His gospel and through His spirit lives can be utterly transformed.
Where the Spirit of the Lord has gone, freedom has followed. Where men's hearts have been set free by the Gospel, it has not been long before their nations have become free, and free governments have replaced tyrannies. And those nations that are free today are free because of the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
From the flood in Genesis, Dr. Kennedy extracts powerful help for us in the face of crisis by noting how the days before Noah were so much like our own times.
It used to be said that something was as “American as motherhood and apple pie.” But motherhood has never been held in such low esteem as it is now.
Dr. Kennedy traces the origins of Father's Day and details why fathers are so important, from the causes and consequences of fatherlessness to the Biblical case for godly dads.
Are you a “goodfinder” or a faultfinder? Many folks don’t realize the dangers inherent in constant faultfinding. It’s such a terrible habit that many don’t even realize they are doing the work of Satan, who is the accuser. Jesus is the friend of sinners.
We need to stand up like the courageous and knowledgeable men and women who founded this country to preserve the incredible patrimony of religious freedom given to us.
God promises those who trust in Him life everlasting and life abundant. But rebellion against God‘s reign and rule has consequences. The lies that undermine sexual morality have causes devastation and death.
For America to be healed, repentance is necessary. And it needs to begin with us.
Is death something that you fear and dread, or have you been delivered from death?
The Cross of Jesus Christ is the great “revealer” of hearts. The true nature of man is seen clearly in the light that radiates from that Cross. The Cross of Jesus Christ will be either nothing to you or everything to you. In your case, which is it?
Are you holy? Holiness is to be the great quest of every person who calls himself a Christian.
Examine all history, sacred and profane, and you will find few, if any, contests comparable to the ones before us this day. Like ancient Israel, we, too, are being threatened by a religion alien to that upon which this nation was founded.
Most Christians know the story of the Prodigal Son. Like the Prodigal Son, this prodigal nation began its life in a godly Christian home. Of that, for those who know their history, there can be no reasonable doubt.
Do you know that you are filled with the Spirit of God? What is the Spirit of the Living God and how can we experience all of the blessings He brings into our life?
We are living in a time when Bible ignorance is widespread. But the indestructible Word of God is the greatest treasure that we have ever had.
One myth has become so ingrained in the modern American mind that the vast majority of people today believe it. In fact, virtually our whole educational and legal system are built upon it.
Roe v. Wade decision resulted in abortion-on-demand. It is only proper we pause and we remember those who have died in what has rightly been called the American holocaust.
What if one single event could change the course of history? What if there were no hospitals? What if human rights did not exist? What if there was no compassion, no hope?
Dr. Kennedy addresses a creation conference where he traces the roots of America's descent into secular chaos.
Is truth relative? In a landmark message at Yale University, Dr. Kennedy confronts one of the most damaging lies in modernity--the pervasive idea that "there are no absolutes." He thoroughly refutes common atheistic lies with Biblical truth and shines the glorious light of the Gospel at one of America's oldest and most respected citadels of learning.
Dr. Kennedy and guest host Dean Jones explore the historical evidence for Jesus and His resurrection.
Dr. Kennedy’s rousing encouragement to the Reclaiming America for the Christ Conference.
From historic locations, Dr. Kennedy refutes popular misconceptions about the brave founders who sacrificed life, liberty and sacred honor to give us the freedoms we enjoy.