Caught in the Act VHS 1996 52 mins Theme song with footage from the tape. A lot of calls have been renamed for no reason. (Philadelphia, PA - 5:43 PM Assistance Call - now reads Stolen Car) #521, (San Diego, CA - 7:35 PM Stolen Car Call - now 'call' is gone) #214, (San Bernardino, CA - 10:16 PM Man with a Gun) #543, (Portland, OR - 9:41 PM Traffic Stop) #212, (Kansas City, MO - 9:07 PM Shoplifting Call - now 'Shoplifters') #401, (Fort Worth, TX - 1:08 AM Assistance Call - now Officer Assistance Call) #528, (Kansas City, KS - 11:25 PM Assistance Call- now Failure to Stop) #723, (Los Angeles, CA - 10:37 PM Assistance Call - now Suspicious Person) #702, (Fort Worth, TX - 4:12 AM Burglary in Progress Call) #526, (Las Vegas, NV - LSP Unit Southeast Area Command - now is 5:14 PM Sting Operation) #312, (Boston, MA - 11:16 PM Drug Sweeps - now Drug Activity #415, (Cleveland, OH - 11:03 PM Breaking and Entering) #630, (Indianapolis, IN - 5:17 PM Traffic Stop) #645, (Sacramento, CA - 5:11 AM Stolen Car - now Suspicious Vehicle) #605, (Pittsburgh, PA - 1:53 AM Burglary in Progress - now Breaking and Entering) #410, (Denver, CO - 9:37 PM Disturbance Call - now Public Disturbance) #509, (El Paso, TX - 12:40 AM Burglary in Progress) #623, (Los Angeles, CA - 7:49 PM Pedestrian in Traffic - now Public Endangerment) #708, (Nashville, TN - 12:18 AM Suspicious Activity - now Stolen Vehicle) #610, (New York City, NY - 3:33 PM Decoy Operation - new title for video) #637, (San Bernardino, CA - 7:47 PM Bomb Threat - nowTerrorist Threats) #542, (Sacramento, CA - 6:45 PM Vehicle Stop - now Outstanding Warrants) #601, (Boston, MA - 8:28 PM Buy/Bust Operation - now Anti-Drug Operation) #421, (Sacramento, CA - 10:42 PM Disturbance Call - now Public Disturbance) #606, (New York City, NY - 10:52 PM Street Patrol - now Man with a Gun) #736, (Miami, FL - 1:26 AM Crime Suppression Unit - now Stakeout) #437