Will Mellor and a panel of experts delve into the case of Darren McKie, an ex-police inspector who turned cold-blooded killer when he murdered his wife Leanne.
Will Mellor and a panel of experts uncover the shocking case of ex-traffic officer Keith Farquharson, found guilty of murdering his wife Alice in 2019
Will Mellor and a panel of experts uncover the case of former LA detective Stephanie Lazarus, who was convicted of murdering her ex-boyfriend's wife in 1986
Will Mellor and a team of experts uncover the case of Karl Bluestone, who murdered his pregnant wife and two pre-school children with a claw hammer in 2001
Will Mellor and a team of experts explore the case of ex-cop Roger Rogerson, who was handed a life sentence in 2016 for the murder of student Jamie Gao
Will Mellor and a panel of experts delve into the case of Bobby Cutts Jr, who was convicted of the murder of Jessie Davis and his unborn daughter in 2008.