Sanche, also a young chef in Yang's Spring Restraunt, becomes jealous of Mao's talent and tries to spoil Mao's cooking. However when Sanche is asked by Choyu to chop some vegetables, he is unable to chop them finely (due to a tragic childhood where he was taught to cook by his strict father) and so all the customers become unhappy about the restraunt's cooking. Choyu kicks Sanche out of the restraunt for his poor cooking ability. Sanche runs away and tries to get on a boat to return to Shanghai. Mao stops him and offers to help him in showing his skills to Choyu so he can be cook for the restraunt.
在经历黄土的考验后,小当家终于顺利加入阳泉酒家师门。然而在严格的要求下,小当家发现阿Q似乎对他有强烈的敌意。原来阳泉酒家有一个门规,那就是有一人加入就必需有一人离开。虽然大家都说阿Q是个懒惰的人,可是小当家从他半夜偷偷苦练的态度,认为阿Q对厨师的热情绝不逊于任何人。为了让阿Q能够留下来,小当家决定帮助阿Q做出一道让及第也无可挑剔的“青椒肉丝” ……