All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Gregg Braden: Neurons, Bones, and Robots — The Battle for Our Humanness

    • Gaia

    There is a battle playing out in our lives for our thoughts, our story, and our very humanness. Recent advances in artificial intelligence, robotics, and virtual reality, have blurred the boundary between pure human and human – machine hybrids. A new generation of computer chips implanted into the organs and tissue of the body, gene edited human embryos and human – digital interfaces linking our neurons with computer software have brought us to a crossroads in human evolution. For the first time since we mysteriously appeared on earth 200,000 years ago, we are forced to make a choice that sounds like the plot of a science fiction movie — to either preserve the unique characteristics that give us our humanness, or to give in to the temptation of power and efficiency made possible by human – machine hybrids. Beyond these two choices, however, new discoveries revealing a deeper human potential tell us there is another option.A growing body of scientific evidence has overturned 150 years of thinking when it comes to our origin, capabilities and, perhaps most importantly, our potential. The bottom line: Modern humans appeared on Earth 200,000 years ago with the extraordinary abilities offered by artificial intelligence, and more, already in place rather than developing these abilities slowly and gradually over a long period of time.These discoveries reveal the third choice for human evolution — to develop and maximize the potential that’s been with us from the time of our origin. It’s this pure and uniquely human potential that reveals the deepest truths of our existence and exceeds the capabilities of chip implants and robotic bodies.Gregg Braden is a five-time New York Times best-selling author, researcher, educator, lecturer and internationally renowned as a pioneer bridging modern science, spirituality, and human potential.

  • S01E02 David Wolfe: Detoxification — More Important than Nutrition

    • Gaia

    David Wolfe talks about:The Unmentioned Longevity Discoveries of ScienceThe Astonishing World of CarbonCharcoal, Activated Charcoal and SuperCharcoalsHow to Detoxify Your Body: Step-by-StepEmerging Strategies to Double your LifespanWith 25+ years of dedicated experience and having hosted 3,000 live events and adventures on five continents, David “Avocado” Wolfe is the Indiana Jones of the superfoods and longevity multiverse. David’s innovative ideas and products have transformed health-food stores, grocery departments and kitchens worldwide. David is the co-developer of the NutriBullet™. David Wolfe founded The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation (FTPF) in 2002, which has planted more than one million fruit, nut, and medicinal trees to date.

  • S01E03 Scott Wolter: Cryptic Code of the Templars in America

    • Gaia

    The 1968 discovery of a mysterious brass device in the Hudson River led to the purchase of a twelfth-century document that chronicles discoveries under the Temple Mount during the First Crusade. Documents recovered led to a Templar voyage to recover First Century scrolls in North America in 1178-80. In 2016, the Cryptic Council Select Master Degree revealed a code within the Kensington Rune Stone inscription that revealed the Templar’s Secret Vault in Montana. Guarded by indigenous people, Meriwether Lewis confirmed the “crown jewel” of the Louisiana Purchase for President Thomas Jefferson. Thus confirming the founding of America began not in 1776, but in 1362.Geologist and television personality Scott Wolter is best known as the host of Travel’s hit show America Unearthed, which follows him on his quest to uncover the truth behind controversial historic artifacts and sites found throughout North America, and beyond. Scott is the author of several books including, The Kensington Rune Stone: Compelling New Evidence, The Hooked X: Key to the Secret History of North America and Akhenaten to the Founding Fathers. His latest book in the series, Cryptic Code of the Templars in America, is due out in early September of 2019.

  • S01E04 Billy Carson: Merkaba Quantum Light Walking

    • Gaia

    Delve deep into the ancient mysteries and discover the secrets behind the metaphysical light vessel and how it can quantum entangle with the universal consciousness. Billy Carson reveals the secrets left behind by Thoth the Atlantean on astral projection, quantum walking and the mechanics behind remote viewing.Billy Carson is the best-selling author of The Compendium Of The Emerald Tablets and is an expert host on Deep Space, a new original streaming series by Gaia. This series explores the Secret Space Program, revealing extraordinary technologies and their potential origins. Billy Carson also serves as an expert host on Gaia’s original series, Ancient Civilizations, in which a team of renowned scholars deciphers the riddles of our origins and pieces together our forgotten history documented in monuments and texts around the world.Mr. Carson appreciates the dedication and hard work it takes to accomplish great things. Recently, Mr. Carson earned the Certificate of Science (with an emphasis on Neuroscience) at M.I.T. Among his most notable achievements, Billy is the CEO of First Class Space Agency based in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Specifically, his space agency is involved in research and development of alternative propulsion systems and zero-point energy devices.

  • S01E05 Deborah King: StarSeeds — Your Cosmic DNA

    • Gaia

    Join legendary teacher, master healer, and NYT bestselling author Deborah King for an experiential journey into the cosmos to discover your true origins. Other suns and planets in our own Milky Way galaxy, or in galaxies far, far away, may have been your original home, giving you the deeper understanding and advanced starseed abilities that go along with those realms of higher consciousness.Learn of the mission you were sent to accomplish and why you volunteered for it. Prepare yourself to be rocketed into space in this one-of-a-kind experience as you locate your home planet and lock in to your cosmic DNA!NYT bestselling author, TV personality, and revered teacher Deborah King left her high-priced job as an attorney when a cancer diagnosis led her to the world of healers, sages, and shamans. There, a miraculous remission opened her to the world of energy healing and realms far beyond our understanding. W Magazine calls Deborah’s work “electrifying.”

  • S01E06 Bashar Channeled by Darryl Anka: The Power of Paradox

    • Gaia

    Bashar explains how certain negative experiences or assumptions can be almost immediately reversed by understanding the paradox hidden within them.For 34 years, Darryl Anka has channeled the remarkable multidimensional being known as Bashar. Bashar describes himself as an extraterrestrial being from the future; a “contact specialist” who is specifically involved in preparing Earth for extraterrestrial contact. He explores a wide-range of subjects from a unique perspective of knowledge, with great insight, humor and a profound understanding of how we manifest our experience!

  • S01E07 Theresa Bullard: Rewire and Expand Your Consciousness

    • Gaia

    How can we expand our perceptions to sustainably operate from higher awareness? How can we rewire our brain to shift out of old patterns? This workshop with Dr. Theresa Bullard, host of Mystery Teachings on Gaia TV, merges science, spirituality, and practical methods for optimizing consciousness.You’ll experience hands-on techniques, sensory exercises, and vibrational energies tuned to the right frequencies to properly stimulate your body, mind, and soul. Such methods can be easily incorporated into your life to support super learning, increased attention, breakthrough creativity, heightened intuition, brain-heart coherence, greater adaptability, healing, homeostasis, and accessing transcendent states.Dr. Theresa Bullard is a Ph.D. Physicist, the host of Mystery Teachings on Gaia TV, and an International Spiritual Teacher with the Modern Mystery School. She merges science, ancient wisdom, and powerful time-tested techniques for harnessing consciousness.

  • S01E08 Emery Smith: Secret Projects Revealed

    • Gaia

    Learn from Emery’s experience as an exobiologist as he presents a slide show of artist rendition photos of what he encountered during his time in “the projects.” From the science of portals to suppressed technology and devices witnessed, learn the truth behind the protocols, teams and equipment used in these otherworldly realms on and perhaps off planet Earth.Join Emery on this visual journey as he dives into detail of what each photo represents as depicted by Emery’s intimate encounters with off world species and underground corporate funded facilities.Emery Smith is a US Air Force veteran with a long history of assignments in highly classified, deep-black covert operations. Emery’s “moon lighting” job at both Sandia and Los Alamos National facilities led to him being directly involved in lab work and 3,000 tissue samples of extra-terrestrials. Smith eventually worked at facilities all over the world, due to the varying surgical experience and intense knowledge of biologics and genetics he acquired. Additionally, he has personally witnessed multiple crashed UFOs in possession of the military and has studied their composition and operational characteristics.

  • S01E09 Daniel Estulin: Global Transformation in the Post-Industrial World

    • Gaia

    Daniel offers options and solutions on political, economic, and social levels to increase levels of human consciousness and improve the lives of everyone. The concept of infinite growth on a finite planet no longer works. This keynote analyzes the agony of Pax Americana in the context of a world financial collapse.With the dismantling of Westphalia (nation-states), and the end of the debt growth model, the establishment is making every effort to keep the slow burn going to protect themselves and the global financial infrastructure from collapse. Countries are being replaced with global projects, at war with others for the survival of the ever-diminishing natural resources.Dr. Daniel Estulin is a preeminent historian of the global elite and Ph.D. of conceptual intelligence. In his international best seller, The True Story of the Bilderberg Group, which has sold 7.6 million copies in 68 countries and been translated into 48 languages, Dr. Estulin was the first man to publicly expose this shadowy cabal of some of the world’s most powerful behind the scenes manipulators.

  • S01E10 Drs. J.J. & Desiree Hurtak and Alan Steinfeld: The Multidimensional Cosmology

    • Gaia

    This workshop is about understanding the cosmology of alien civilizations and our multidimensional awakening. It looks at recent scientific evidence of the “Cosmic Others” – and how “they” are presently assisting in the upgrade of humanity. As cosmic beings we are entering a new phase of evolution concerning our deeper selves. In this talk, we will lead a practice to experience nonlocality, as we work to activate our Light Bodies in order to become co-creators of new realities.Dr. J. J. Hurtak, Ph.D., and Dr. Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D., are social scientists, futurists and founders of The Academy For Future Science. They have been researchers in the fields of UFO studies, ancient archeology, metaphysics and higher spiritual knowledge for more than 40 years. Dr. J.J. Hurtak is the author of thirty books in twenty languages, and together the Drs. Hurtak have co-written numerous books as well.Alan Steinfeld is a host and producer of New Realities, the popular cable and YouTube channel with more than 18 million views. The program investigates new ways of looking at UFOs, consciousness, science and the arts. Over the years Alan has formed close alliances to such people as Deepak Chopra, Drs. Hurtak, Bruce Lipton, Alex Grey, Lynne McTaggart, and the late John Mack.

  • S01E11 Mary Rodwell: Hybrids and the New Human

    • Gaia

    Are we changing as a species? The New Human, how is this connected to labels such as ADHD, Asperger’s, Dyslexia, forms of Autism? Dysfunction or something remarkable? How are such labels connected to Encounters with Non-Human Intelligences?Why do some individuals identify specifically as human hybrids? A former flight attendant shares her story of what she understands of her hybrid family. How is this connected to the awakening of multidimensional awareness within? A Cosmic agenda? The new generations of human…is this you?Mary Rodwell is recognized internationally as one of Australia’s leading researchers and writers in the UFO and contact phenomenon areas. She is a former nurse, midwife, and health educator and since 1994 Mary has worked in private practice as a professional counselor, hypnotherapist, metaphysical teacher, researcher, author, Reiki Master, and international speaker.

  • S01E12 Daniel Sheehan: Awakening the New Paradigm

    • Gaia

    Revolutionary change is sweeping the nation in the form of two “movements.” The first is “The Movement for The New Paradigm.” The second is “The Movement for a Green New Deal.” Exactly what is the substantive content and specifics of each and how, if at all, do they relate in form and content? How can we all take part in creating a dynamic future that changes the old ways of thinking. Where the environment is no longer destroyed in pursuit of profit? Where we recognize our place and responsibility not only on this planet but in the Universe as one of many inhabited planets? These are the profound philosophical, theological, psychological, sociological and public policy questions that are now being posed to humanity.Daniel P. Sheehan is a Constitutional and public interest lawyer, public speaker, political activist and educator. For more than 45 years, Daniel’s work has helped expose injustice, protect fundamental rights, and elucidate a compelling vision for the future of humanity. He was the Director of “The Strategic Initiative to Identify The New Paradigm” of former Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev’s and former U.S. Secretary of State James Baker, III’s, post-Cold War State of the World Forum.Over the last five decades, he has participated in numerous prominent legal cases of public interest. He established the Christic Institute and the Romero Institute, two non-profit public policy centers. Since 2015 Sheehan has lectured on American history and politics at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He has also spoken publicly about UFOs and alien visitation. Serving as Special Counsel to President Jimmy Carter’s classified study of “The UFO Phenomenon and The Possibility of the Existence of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence,” and as General Counsel to the “Disclosure Project,” and to the 2013 Citizen Hearings on Disclosure.

  • S01E13 Michael Leas: Nikola Tesla’s “Electric Universe”

    • Gaia

    Nikola Tesla’s futuristic thinking transformed our world. His alternating current generators built our modern society. In this unique Tesla energy presentation, Michael Leas will explain and demonstrate his Tesla research for us in layman’s terms.We will see why Tesla should be rightly regarded as the “Electrical Genius” of our times. He will also discuss his own research and experiments with “zero point” technology, its relevance to our past, present, and future society, and how “Energy” is the foundation of our body, mind, and spiritual evolution. Our desire to have Free Energy and to know how UFOs can travel between the stars is bringing us new questions. Tesla knew the answer, it’s an “Electric Universe”!Michael Leas is an inventor, visionary artist, metaphysical scientist, and inter-dimensional explorer. He has done a variety of energy demonstrations for the Tesla Technology Conference, Institute of Noetic Sciences, The Unarius Learning Center, and many more.

  • S01E14 Susan Miller: The Year Ahead 2020 — A Year that Resets and Reboots

    • Gaia

    2020 promises to be a big year! A bevy of migrating planets will form a rare crown of stars in Capricorn at the end of December 2019 through early January 2020 and their presence will have far-reaching effects on every sign, and on society, too, now and for years to come. These planets will bring reason for hope and optimism to every sign.Learn about the coming eclipses in Cancer and Capricorn, and new ones due in a new family of signs, Gemini and Sagittarius. Eclipses are the most dramatic tool the universe uses to bring on new conditions, and no matter what your sign happens to be, you will feel their influences in January, June, July, November, and December 2020. This is a year you can prosper and enjoy, provided you plan your most important actions to correspond with the year’s best dates and to avoid the coming retrogrades of Mercury, Mars and Venus.At year’s end, December 2020, both Saturn and Jupiter will sail into Aquarius, putting that sign, and the area of your chart ruled by Aquarius in the spotlight. It is due to be a big year—get ready!Susan Miller is an internationally known astrologer and the founder of Astrology Zone®, which is downloaded free by 11 million unique readers yearly and considered the most accurate of any astrological forecast. She is a monthly contributing editor to eight international magazines and the author of ten best-selling books and calendars.

  • S01E15 Sonja Grace: Aliens — Demi-Gods — Humans

    • Gaia

    Award winning author and mystic healer Sonja Grace shares her in-depth understanding of the Cosmic Connection between humans, aliens and demi-gods. She talks about her encounters with the unseen world and how the Norse Gods instructed her to create Odin and the Nine Realms Oracle. Sonja will help you to learn how to protect yourself as well as energetic alignment for manifestation.Learn what the cosmic connection is between aliens, humans and demi-godsExperience Sonja’s signature grounding meditation and higher frequenciesUncover and release emotional wounds and align your energy for manifestationAward winning author, mystic healer Sonja Grace is an energy surgeon who works long distance with clients around the world. Sonja has appeared on GAIA TV’s Great Minds, Ancient Civilizations and Beyond Belief with George Noory, and Coast to Coast AM. Her new oracle is Odin and the Nine Realms.

  • S01E16 David Wolfe: Cultivating Radiant Energy and Happiness in a Sea of Insanity

    • Gaia

    Superfoods and SuperherbsLiving WatersHealthy Science and AttitudesIlluminating the Irrational; Abandoning ScientismThe Teachings of Rudolf Steiner and Charles Fort“Today is The Best Day Ever.” — David “Avocado” WolfeWith 25+ years of dedicated experience and having hosted 3,000 live events and adventures on five continents, David “Avocado” Wolfe is the Indiana Jones of the superfoods and longevity multiverse. David’s innovative ideas and products have transformed healthfood stores, grocery departments, and kitchens worldwide. David is the co-developer of the NutriBullet™. David Wolfe founded The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation (FTPF) in 2002, which has planted more than one million fruit, nut, and medicinal trees to date.

  • S01E17 Mabel Katz: Healing the World Through Ho’Oponopono

    • Gaia

    There is a lot of pain and sorrow in the world, magnified by hatred, fear, and the belief that there is nothing we can do about it. But deep in our hearts, we know this isn’t true. We know there is more to life than what we can see with our eyes and hear with our ears. There is the hope and love that comes through an open and happy heart.In this special “Happiness” workshop, you will discover that there is no greater gift you could give yourself (or the planet) than becoming happy. Through the teachings of Ho’oponopono (described as the Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness) and a special glimpse into the people of Maluhia (the happiest people on earth), you will learn how to bring peace, joy, and lasting happiness into your life. It’s the only way we can all make the world a better place. Come; let’s be happy together.Mabel Katz is an internationally acclaimed author, speaker, world peace ambassador, and leading authority on Ho’oponopono. Mabel was honored as a Peace Ambassador for her world-peace initiative, Peace Within Is World Peace, which was launched at the United Nations in Vienna.

  • S01E18 William Henry: A.I., Technology, and The New Humanity

    • Gaia

    William Henry wants you to win the spiritual battle against A.I. and advanced tech. The next five years will see more change than in all of previous human history and we are the ones who will decide what that change is to be.The single greatest challenge facing each of us is how much deeper we will integrate with Artificial Intelligence, 5G, and the new, super advanced technology that is blurring the line between humans and machines. People have real questions about the serious spiritual implications of what is unfolding and what to do about it.What are the spiritual implications of our merger with A.I.? Is Artificial Intelligence an Alien Intelligence? What are we really up against? Can you take on the wrong tech to the point that you aren’t a human anymore?William Henry is a Nashville-based author, investigative mythologist, art historian, and TV presenter. He is the leading expert on the spiritual implications of A.I. and is an internationally recognized authority on human spiritual potential, transformation and ascension. The spiritual voice and Consulting Producer of Ancient Aliens, the global hit History Channel program, and host of three Gaia TV series: Ascension Keepers, The Awakened Soul: The Lost Science of Ascension, and Arcanum.

  • S01E19 Gregg Braden: Human by Design — Unleashing the Power of the New

    • Gaia

    New discoveries ranging from human evolution and genetics to the new science of neuro-cardiology (the bridge between the brain and the heart) have overturned 150 years of thinking when it comes to the way we think of ourselves, our origin, and our potential. The science is clear — within each of us lies an extraordinary potential far beyond what was believed possible in the past. It’s this undisputable fact that leads to an even deeper mystery: How do we awaken that potential in our everyday lives?In this highly visual and experiential program, Gregg Braden crosses the traditional boundaries between science and spirituality to reveal the science-based techniques that awaken our uniquely human potential of deep-intuition, precognition, advanced states of self-regulation, longevity, and self-healing, and much more.When the evidence no longer supports the story, it’s time for a new story. It’s this simple fact that lies at the core of this new program: Human By Design — Awakening The Power of the New Human Story!Gregg Braden is a five-time New York Times best-selling author, researcher, educator, lecturer and internationally renowned as a pioneer bridging modern science, spirituality, and human potential.