A newlywed turns her house into an animal rescue when her Marine husband is deployed to Afghanistan, while a man is trapped in his house by a growing pack of feral dogs. 20-year-old Lauren's new home is overrun by stray animals. Her Marine husband is coming home next month and he doesn't know that the dogs have destroyed the house. Jack has become a slave to the care of his 45 feral dogs. Wracked by depression, he slips deeper into despair, as his family grows concerned.
Two women feel compelled to rescue unwanted animals, while leading dramatically different lives. A mother spends tens of thousands of dollars in veterinary bills to care for her growing menagerie. A convenience store clerk is being driven to destitution by her house full of dogs, cats, pigs and a raccoon. In both cases, family members are deeply concerned that the situation has grown dangerously out of control.
A couple turns over their new house to 80 pet cats; a woman has a houseful of exotic birds.
Animal Planet revisits some of the most sensitive cases of hoarding from the previous episodes to determine how the hoarding interventions have changes the lives of the hoarders, their animals and their families and friends.
Animal Planet revisits some of the most sensitive cases of hoarding from the previous episodes to determine how the hoarding interventions have changes the lives of the hoarders, their animals and their families and friends.
A retired Army linguist has filled his house with 158 roosters and hens. A popular waitress is fired because she reeks of cat urine.
A 27 year olds future in nursing is jeopardized by a growing hoard of dogs and cats. When a man's emotionally traumatized family moves in with him, he retreats into a hoard of Chihuahuas.
A single dad believes he's on a mission from God to save pit bulls and a woman tries to stop her stubborn mother's cat hoarding before she ends up homeless. Follow Shane and Sharon as they come to grips with the perils of hoarding animals.
A woman with more than 70 dogs refuses to see how they’re hurting her husband while a mom’s exotic bird collection gets between her and her daughter. Explore the worlds of Carolyn and Cynthia and their menagerie of pets.
An eccentric loner faces jail time for refusing to give up dozens of mangy dogs. A mother uses a hoard of cats to keep her 26-year-old daughter from leaving home. Peer into the lives of Matthew and Vera.
A heartbroken man replaces his lost wife with a herd of Mastiffs. A woman's need to keep a houseful of stray animals pushes her marriage to the breaking point. Follow Ray and Donna's stories of loss and loss of control.
A couple's desire to have a baby is threatened by their 80 cats and an elderly woman's struggle with alcohol turns into an obsession with stray cats. Can Carol and Mary overcome their animal hoarding? Tune in to find out.
A mom's 37 cats drive her 13-year-old daughter to move in with the neighbors. A father must choose between his 13-year-old daughter and his cat-obsessed girlfriend. Find out if Flower and Christi can keep their families together while overcoming their addictions.
An animal addict mom is on the verge of losing her teenage daughter while fishermen joins forces to save an animal hoarding deckhand. See how Dawn and Lloyd face the reality of their animal hoarding.
An ex-addict becomes overly obsessed with rodents and reptiles and a woman's herd of goats and pit bulls pushes a family to the brink of foreclosure. Find out if Shane and Jean can gain control of their animal obsessions.
Today we revisit a woman who had over 80 dogs; a dad who nearly severed his family ties to save his Pit Bulls and an animal addict mom on the verge of losing her daughter. They've started down the right track. Can Carolyn, Shane and Dawn stay on it?
Watch as we take a second look at a dad who filled his house with over 100 chickens, a man who was obsessed with many animals, and a waitress who was fired because she reeked of cat urine. Are things better for Peter, Shane and Kitten or much worse?
A man fills his bedroom with venomous snakes. A retired lawyer must choose between her husband - and her 250 lovebirds.
A hoard of over 130 rabbits have chewed a home to shreds. A man has begun living in his pickup truck to keep his 13 dogs from being seized
A 27-year-old who cleans obsessively - and keeps dead cats in her freezer. A family is shattered when mom picks pets over kids.
A street minister keeps a flock of over 150 pets in the basement of his home. A 22-year-old girl drops out of nursing school so she can dedicate her life to rescuing dogs.
A mother faces the most painful choice of her life: her daughter's health or her beloved kittens. A chef's 60+ cats have destroyed his house - and are about to ruin his marriage
A ghost hunting hoarder must choose between the spirit world and a houseful of pets. A head trauma results in a woman filling her house with cats - and raccoons.
A woman wants her family - and her 99 pets. A retired rock musician picks his dogs over his daughters.
A young woman identifies with rats. An 82-year-old clings to the dream of a destitute dog rescue.
A would-be breeder of Boodles, a cross between a bulldog and a poodle, is overwhelmed; a home remolder winds up living in a kennel.
A woman is adamant about keeping more than one hundred cats; a former minister's flock now consists of dogs.
A single dad has pythons; a medical worker secretly keeps a hoard of dogs.
A woman with multiple cats has a colorful past; a recidivist hoarder secretly keeps dogs in a junkyard.