At the discretion of colleague Jacob Wilson, the comedians are introduced to the world of ballet at the Royal School of Ballet. Under the tutelage of Nikolaj Hübbe - renowned director of the Royal Ballet - they have to learn their poses and put together a routine, that they must perform in front of an established theater critic. After a hilarious result, they have only 24 hours to turn their experiences into fresh new topical stand-up material, that they will perform in front of a live audience including their tough tutors.
Efter kollega Jacob Wilsons skøn introduceres komikerne til ballettens verden på Royal School of Ballet. Under vejledning af Nikolaj Hübbe - anerkendt direktør for Den Kongelige Ballet - skal de lære deres stillinger og sammensætte en rutine, som de skal optræde foran en etableret teateranmelder. Efter et hylende morsomt resultat har de kun 24 timer til at omsætte deres oplevelser til friskt nyt aktuelt stand-up materiale, som de vil optræde foran et livepublikum inklusive deres skrappe undervisere.