Flat TV is a double-act sitcom where two naive flatmates battle against the mundane reality of living together by imagining their boring lives through the prism of television. Frightened of the outside world and the responsibilities it entails, Tom (an arrogant control-freak) and Naz (a testosterone-fuelled clown) envelop their boring lives with grandiose television-based imaginings. Every episode begins and ends with 'flat news', a news parody that details every minute happening occurring in the flat, presented with all the pomp and bombast one excepts from current affairs broadcasting. Naz eating some of Tom's cereal may be inconsequential to outsiders, but here it's the top story. So intimidated are they by all the administration and bureaucracy of being a grown-up, the boys pretend that the flat, and the television programs they create about it, is all there is.