This new episode comes from East London and Essex, and first host, business founder Yemi, is hoping to impress with a Nigerian party night. Despite Paul's constant bad jokes and Naana's criticism, Yemi is convinced she's provided the winning night. Night two sees Ghanaian born Naana providing similar fare to Yemi, but the focus is on presentation and Naana impresses her guests with her artistic skills. American performance artist Brian learns some cockney from project manager Paul, and Yemi picks on Naana's mango mousse. It's the third night of exotic food for Paul as Brian cooks up ceviche and a Korean barbecue, and they all join in a bizarre game involving popping candy and soda. For the final night Paul has his work cut out improving on the exotic cuisine he's experienced during the week. Can his fish-cakes, monkfish and 'ugly banana' satisfy his guests?