After struggling to make their way across a land ravaged by drought and the Depression, an encounter with a fellow traveller directs the Fletcher family towards Coorumbong Creek where they hope to join in the search for gold.©t
Alec's journey in search of help brings him to a small town where the locals organise a team of horses to free the truck from the broken bridge and tow the family into town. The family finds some stability in the town, working and living at the hotel while John makes plans to begin prospecting. A search is launched for Mr Ekman after he is accused of stealing mother's purse.
While searching for Mr Ekman, Alec encounters Bluey and goes for a ride in his plane. Mr. Bunbury offers mother a job cooking at the hotel but father thinks he's taking advantage of them for cheap labour and wants to continue their journey to Coorumbong Creek despite mother's desire to settle the family somewhere. When Jonno goes missing, mum finds him enjoying a drink in the pub much to the crowd's delight. Hobe the Dog joins the family on the way out of town. The Fletchers arrive in Coorumbong Creek.
Fletchers settle into Coorumbong Creek, establishing a make-shift homestead and meeting the locals. John gets first taste of prospecting, joiningg the other men in working the mine. Mother gets her purse back and makes an attempt to mend fences with Mr Ekman. Alec and Rob run afoul of Ekman and experience his magic.©tzuk
Alec and Robbie return home after being hypnotised by Mr Ekman. Mother tries to begin teaching Alec and Biddy their school lessons but her efforts are thwarted by busy camp life. Mr Blake, the shopkeeper, visits the camp. Christmas comes to Coorumbong Creek but the celebrations are interrupted when Robbie goes missing after a violent altercation with his stepfather.©tzuk
Alec finds Robbie hiding in the bush but he's reluctant to come home believing he killed his stepfather. Alex joins his father and Barney on a trip ionto town to buy a tractor. Mrs Anderson volunteers to teach the camp's children and a make-shift schoolhouse is organised. Robbie is the last holdout to attend class but when dragged there the poor state of his education is revealed. The entire camp turns out to watch the rock crusher in operation, a proud moment for John Fletcher. Alec starts a fight with Robbie after he wrecks the classroom and destroys Alec's prized possession. Robbie finds a gold nugget in the creek.©tzuk
Word spreads of Robbie's discovery of gold in the creek despite his stepfathers hope to keep it a secret. The camp is visited by Brother Paul who agrees to hold a Christening for the young children. Alec helps Robbie with his reading. Jonno and Snow go missing after being told tales in advance of their Christenings. Snow is found up a tree, and after a frantic search of the camp, Jonno is returned by the shopkeeper, Mr Blake who finds him asleep in the back of his truck.©tzuk
Clarie returns to camp with the results from Barney's the rock samples but there is concern about the two strangers he brings back with him. The men start asking questions around camp about the locations of their as-yet unregistered claims but everyone knows enough to keep silent. Alec's father is injured when the brakes fail on the truck but he manages to jump out before it plunges into the river. The incident is enough for Ellen to suggest they pack up and move to Sydney but John won't hear of it. Barney borrows the men's truck to take the miners into town to register their claims. John is caught in the mine during a detonation.©tzuk
Jack and Wally, the two strangers, go into the mine to rescue John and the returning miners take him to hospital. Alec blames himself for the accident having set the faulty change himself. Word spreads about the gold discovery bringing an influx of new prospectors. To bring some order to the growing unrest, Barney organises the camp and old Joe is appointed mayor. With John in hospital and unabe to work, Clarie and one of the new arrivals move in on his claim.©tzuk
With a little help from Barney, Alec takes over working his father's mine to keep it out of Claire's hands. Claire keeps a close eye on the boy but finally gives in when Robbie decides to pitch in. The miners meet with the representatives of a consortium wanting to buy out a number of claims. Alec's hard work pays off and allows the family to keep the mine and reap the benefits of the buy-out. The news is not good for everyone however, as Robbie and his family is move on. Dad and mum arrive triumphantly back in camp in a new car and the means to realise his dream of seeing Queensland.©tzuk