Home / Series / Colin & Justin's Home Heist / Aired Order / Season 2 / Episode 23

Lost In Space

In Sid and Roberta's spacious but boring home, there’s plenty of room but a severe shortage of style. Lost in time and space, the grand but bland interiors feature garish collectibles, an unsightly mish-mash of furniture, and miles of charm-free, cadaver-colored floor and walls. After an ambush on their son’s university campus, Colin and Justin unveil their plan to ditch the kitsch, and bring in the glamour. And in addition to transforming the hallway into a grand entrance, and creating a master boudoir oozing with ‘timeless elegance,’ they promise to teach the family about making a statement, and creating intimacy in large spaces. The entire family is working alongside the team… But can they complete the project a day early?

  • Runtime 60 minutes
  • Network Home Network
  • Created July 26, 2014 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified July 26, 2014 by
    Administrator admin