It's Aelita's birthday and someone is trying to hack into the supercomputer. The firewalls Jeremy created stop it from getting in. When analyzing the data packet sent, Jeremy notices that it is of unusual design; created by Franz Hopper. Perhaps Anthea is trying to contact them to wish her daughter a happy birthday. Jeremy calls the others but does not alert Aelita, as he wants it to be a surprise.
Ulrich and Odd go into the Digital Sea to track down the hub that sent the packet. But when they start collecting the data, a huge tentacle emerges from the hub and ensnares the Skid. Malware is sent to the Supercomputer, shutting the holomap and superscan down. It was all a trap laid by XANA Jeremy can do nothing against it, nor can he devirtualize Odd and Ulrich as the Skid's protection shields slowly fail. Aelita is called in and comes to the rescue, bringing the boys in just before the Skid shatters.
Jeremy loses all hope and begins to doubt his own abilities. Yumi goes to Lyoko to search for activated towers while Aelita and Jeremy work on fixing everything. After accidentally endangering Yumi's life, a depressed Jeremy leaves. Aelita saves her and then comes back to the lab to find Jeremy gone, but she cannot go after him because a tower is activated. William is sent in to help, but against an army of duplicating Kankrelats they go nowhere. A specter of Ms Hertz attacks Aelita in the lab, and when Jeremy hears about it he runs back to the lab to help, fixing the holomap and figuring everything out so that the tower can be deactivated in time before Aelita is drained of any more source codes.
Ksena je prevario DŽeremija. Na kraju katastrofalne misije, Lioko ratnici se nalaze bez Skidbladnira i superskenera! Oni su u Kseninoj milosti, ranjiviji nego ikad. DŽeremi se prvi put suočava sa trenutnom situacijom. Aelita mora da uzme stvari u svoje ruke i da upravlja i Ksenom… i DŽeremijevom tugom u isto vreme.
إنه عيد ميلاد اليتا ويحاول شخص ما اختراق الكمبيوتر العملاق. تمنع جدران الحماية التي أنشأها جيريمي من الدخول. عند تحليل حزمة البيانات المرسلة، لاحظ جيريمي أنها ذات تصميم غير عادي؛ تم إنشاؤها بواسطة فرانز هوبر. ربما تحاول أنثيا الاتصال بهم لتتمنى لابنتها عيد ميلاد سعيد. يتصل جيريمي بالآخرين ولكنه لا ينبه إليتا لأنه يريد أن تكون مفاجأة.