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  • S04E01 Clive James on 88

    • December 31, 1988
    • BBC One

    1988 has been one of those years - so here's one of those programmes. It's a beady, bird's-eye view of the last 12 tremendous months, with the interesting bits picked out by Clive James. Join Clive for an hour of momentous memories in a programme that's going to make nostalgia a thing of the past.

  • S04E02 Clive James on the 80s

    • December 31, 1989
    • BBC One

    From Brezhnev to the Berlin Wall, from Cecil Parkinson to the Big Bang, Clive James squeezes ten years into two hours, reviewing the events of the decade: Irangate, Westland, Dynasty and Dallas; Michael Jackson 's first face-lift; John McEnroe 's first tantrum; the marriages of Charles and Di, Andy and Sarah, Kylie and Jason; the birth of the Filofax.... Also featuring: George Bush , Boy George , Gorbachev, Gadhafi, Geldof, Neil Kinnock , Madonna, Maradonna, Dan Quayle , Ronald Reagan , Sylvester Stallone ,Arthur Scargill , Margaret Thatcher , Torvill and Dean and Walesa and Waldheim. Clive's special guest Jerry Hall presents the awards of the decade. Plus a surprise guest at midnight.

  • S04E03 Clive James on 1990

    • December 31, 1990
    • BBC One

    Clive James offers his personal review of the year in a personality-packed show. Featuring world figures as varied and significant as J. Danforth Quayle, Helmut Kohl, Madonna, Neil Kinnock, Donald Trump, Mikhail Gorbachev, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Nicholas Ridley, Bobby Robson, Vaclav Havel, Mick Jagger and John Major.

  • S04E04 Clive James on 1991

    • December 31, 1991
    • BBC One

    Clive James offers his personal review of the year's events featuring world figures as varied and significant as Norman Schwarzkopf , Norman Lamont , John Major , John McCarthy , Boris Yeltsin and Madonna. As 1992 approaches, James introduces a European feel to the proceedings with the help of French actress Alexandra Kazan to present awards to those whose contributions have changed the face of 1991, culminating in the coveted titles of Man and Woman of the Year.

  • S04E05 Clive James on 1992

    • December 31, 1992
    • BBC One

    An acerbic review of 1992 in a show which promises to reveal the true story behind the royal rumours and expose Bill Clinton 's real secret passion. Plus the complete lowdown on Boris Yeltsin 's fashion designer, Michael Jackson 's nose, and Norman Lamont 's secret strategy. A surprise Man and Woman of the Year will be announced and Australian super-model Elle McPherson will present the show's special awards to the truly deserving figures of 1992.

  • S04E06 Clive James on 1993

    • December 31, 1993
    • BBC One

    Determined as ever to get the last word, Clive James gives his resume of the past 12 months and hands out awards in various categories as the mood takes him. With a mystery location, surprise guest and production numbers of mind-bending complexity, he builds up to the announcement of the Man and Woman of the Year. "We start working on the New Year's show in August, two days a week every week right through to the end of the year, " says James. "It's the hardest show we do, but if you do it right, it looks easy. That's the frustrating thing! It looks as if we just go into the studio and make it up." This year James is assisted by Louise Lombard (Evie in The House of Elliot). " We get a lot of criticism for choosing beautiful female assistants," he says. "Year after year, people come up and say, 'I really disapproved of that,' but it turns out they watched the whole thing. Presumably just so they could disapprove of it."

  • S04E07 Clive James on 1994

    • December 31, 1994
    • BBC One

    Clive James reviews the past 12 months and offers a witty insight into the main events. This year he is assisted by Caroline Langrishe and announces nominations for, and the winner of, the Man or Woman of the Year.

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