Sudō wird beschuldigt, Schüler der Klasse C angegriffen und verletzt zu haben. Klasse D muss seine Unschuld beweisen, um weiteren Punkteverlust und zusätzliche Strafen zu vermeiden.
July 1 arrives and class D's point distribution is put on hold due to an incident the previous day involving Sudo and three basketball teammates from class C. Sudo was attacked and fought back in self-defense. However, due to his poor reputation he is going to be held liable unless the class can find a witness to clear his name before the hearing next week, which would consequently result in the class receiving no points for the month. In an attempt to manipulate the case to their favor, the three class C attackers secretly get beaten up badly by their classmates at their request. With the help of Class B, the class posts messages asking for witnesses of the incident. Suzune tells Ayanokoji and the others that Airi Sakura was there and witnessed the incident with her camera. That night, Ayanokoji and Kushida talk about how in a murder case with the suspects being a known murderer and a law-abiding citizen that with the lack of evidence, people are more likely going to believe the law-abiding citizen even if that person is the one who is guilty. The next day, Sakura is approached asking for the evidence, and she runs away dropping her camera in the process. Sakura freaks out when she cannot turn on her camera thinking that she broke it and continues her running not wanting to get involved.
Sudô est sauvé in extremis par Kiyotaka et Suzune qui ont acheté le point qui lui manquait aux examens. La classe D sort donc la tête de l'eau, mais deux nouveaux soucis voient le jour : le transfert des points privés du nouveau mois a mystérieusement du retard, et Sudô serait de nouveau sur la sellette à cause d'une bagarre avec d'autres élèves…
중간고사 후 적은 양이더라도 포인트를 얻게 된 D반은 빈곤한 생활에서 탈출하게 되어 기뻐한다. 하지만 스도가 폭행사건을 일으켜 새로운 문제가 발생한다. 스도는 정당방위라고 주장하지만 그것을 입증할 증거조차 없어 다시 퇴학 위기에 처하게 되는데.
Sudo foi acusado de agredir alunos da Turma C, e dependendo das regras a Turma D pode perder os pontos que lhe resta.
ينجو سودو من خطر الفصل بعد مساعدة أيانوكوجي وهوريكيتا، لكن تنشب حادثةٌ بينه وتلامذة من الفصل ج مما يعيده لدوامة المتاعب. يبحث أيانوكوجي مع كوشيدا عن سُبل لمساعدته وتعرض إيتشينوسي من الفصل ب المساعدة
Ha habido un ligero retraso en la entrega de puntos y parece ser que se ha debido a un incidente violento dentro del recinto escolar. ¿Qué es lo que habrá podido ocurrir?
Sudo viene accusato di aver dato inizio ad una rissa con alcuni studenti della C e di averli feriti. Secondo il regolamento scolastico, questo potrebbe privare la classe D dei pochi punti guadagnati.
Sudo foi acusado de agredir alunos da Turma C, e dependendo das regras a Turma D pode perder os pontos que lhe resta.