En el anterior episodio nos pregúntabamos que pasa cuando un hombre dice una barbaridad ¿somos un fraude feminista si no lo enfrentamos? Creemos que es todo culpa del Male Pandering, es decir, buscar la complacencia del hombre. Nos alejamos de ser feministas KillJoy (feminista aguafiestas, según Sara Ahmed) porque queremos gustar, atraer, enamorar a los hombres. Nos ayudará a quitarnos de esta obsesión Estela Ortiz, youtuber e investigador cultural.
In the previous episode we asked ourselves what happens when a man says something outrageous, are we a feminist fraud if we don't face it? We believe that it is all the fault of Male Pandering, that is, seeking the pleasure of man. We move away from being KillJoy feminists (feminist killjoys, according to Sara Ahmed) because we want to please, attract, make men fall in love. It will help us get rid of this obsession Estela Ortiz, youtuber and cultural researcher.