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  • S2011E01 Is There an Afterlife

    • February 15, 2011

    Feb 15, 2011, Los Angeles, CA. Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris debated Rabbi David Wolpe and Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson in a panel discussion. The topic: "Is there an afterlife?" Moderated by Rob Eshman

  • S2011E02 Religion Has Been a Positive Force

    Christopher Hitchens vs Barry Brummett

Additional Specials

  • SPECIAL 0x1 Debate: Al Sharpton

    • May 7, 2007

    A debate against Al Sharpton discussing "Can Morality Exist Without God?" and other topics.

  • SPECIAL 0x2 Debate: Frank Turek

    • September 9, 2008

    Frank Turek, co-author of "I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist," and Christopher Hitchens, author of "god is not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything," met at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA to debate the subject, "Does God Exist?".

  • SPECIAL 0x3 Debate: John Lennox

    • March 3, 2009

    Leading atheist and acclaimed journalist, Christopher Hitchens, goes head to head with Christian apologist and Oxford Professor, John Lennox in March 2009 at Birmingham, Alabama's Samford University to debate the question "Is God Great?"

  • SPECIAL 0x4 Debate: William Lane Craig

    • April 5, 2009

    Biola University hosted a debate between William Lane Craig and Christopher Hitchens on the question “Does God Exist?” The debate was moderated by Hugh Hewitt and seen live by several thousand in attendance at Biola and many more at remote locations in 30 states and several countries.

  • SPECIAL 0x5 Debate: The Three New Commandments

    • January 2, 2009

    Christopher Hitchens, author of God is Not Great, delivers a lecture at the Royal Ontario Museum entitled "The Three New Commandments" in conjunction with the exhibit of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

  • SPECIAL 0x6 Debate: Douglas Wilson - Collision

    • February 18, 2010

    This documentary pits leading atheist, political journalist and author Christopher Hitchens against fellow author and evangelical theologian Pastor Douglas Wilson on a debate tour arguing the topic “Is Religion Good For The World?”

  • SPECIAL 0x7 Debate: William Dembski - Does a Good God Exist?

    • November 18, 2010

    William Dembski debated Christopher Hitchens at the Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas, Nov 18, 2010

  • SPECIAL 0x8 Debate: Tony Blair - Is Religion a Force for Good in the World?

    • November 27, 2010

    The ex-prime minister of England came up against a hostile crowd when he and the atheist journalist argued over religion. The question: Is Religion a Force for Good in the World? The Pre Debate poll of the audience said no, it is not: PRO: 22% CON:57% UNDECIDED:21% And 75% of those polled said they'd be willing to change their mind...

  • SPECIAL 0x9 Debate: Rabbi Wolpe - Is Religion Good for the World?

    • November 13, 2008

    “Is religion good for the world?” More than 1,500 people went to Temple Emanu-El, one of the largest synagogues in the world, on Wednesday evening for a wide-ranging debate on that age-old question. On one side: Christopher Hitchens, the writer, wit and author of the polemic “God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything,” published last year by Twelve/Warner Books. On the other side: Rabbi David J. Wolpe of Sinai Temple in Los Angeles, whom Newsweek has called the No. 1 rabbi in America and the author of “Why Faith Matters,” published last month by HarperOne. Mr. Hitchens took part in a similar debate — titled “Is God Great?” — with the Rev. Al Sharpton in May 2007 at the New York Public Library. The debate with Rabbi Wolpe, while courteous, was at times more heated and more pointed than the earlier encounter, with the writer and the rabbi at times interrupting, and expressing irritation at, each other. Gary Rosenblatt, publisher and editor of The Jewish Week, a central source of news and commentary for New York’s Jewish community, organized the event at Temple Emanu-El and served as the moderator. He marveled at the size of the audience, saying it was the largest for any public forum the newspaper had ever sponsored.

  • SPECIAL 0x10 The Amazing Meeting 5 : Skepticism & the Media.

    • January 20, 2007

    Writer, journalist and policitical commentator, Christopher Hitchens, addresses the audience on the topic of 'Skepticism & the Media'.

  • SPECIAL 0x11 Texas: America Supersized

    Christopher Hitchens presents a report from Texas