Follow the Chopper Rescue team as they face genuine life and death human dramas. This unique observational series looks at the work of the helicopter rescue crews of Outback Queensland.
On Hinchenbrook Island a family’s yachting holiday of a lifetime takes a dangerous turn. Meanwhile a drama unfolds mid-air as a motorcyclist with catastrophic injuries has trouble breathing while being flown to Brisbane.
A fatal accident on Fraser Island leaves one tourist dead and seven in need of urgent medical care, and on a remote outback road, a head on collision leaves a man trapped in his car.
In South West Queensland the worst flooding in 54 years cuts off homesteads and towns across hundreds of square kilometres. Rescue 500 from Brisbane goes to the aid of a young woman suffering intense chest pain. Rescue 510 goes to the aid of a 21‐year‐old man who has fallen 10 meters onto his back.
At the EMQ base in Cairns the crew re‐packs the chopper for a winch over water. All they know is that a man has had a diving accident on the Great Barrier Reef. They’ll need to winch duty Careflight doctor Grant Turner and Rescue Crew Officer Dean Della Costa down to a small pontoon.