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Season 1

  • S01E01 Cherry Has a Baby

    • September 13, 2010
    • BBC Three

    Cherry Healey is unexpectedly pregnant at age 28 and utterly horrified by the thought of having to give birth! She doesn't feel ready and she wants to know whether there's ever a 'right' time of life to have a baby. As she deals with her own anxieties, she meets seven women of different ages and backgrounds to investigate how other mothers-to-be deal with this experience. Cherry runs the gamut from 15-year-old Paige - who not only has no worries about giving birth, but can't wait to meet her baby, already named Lily - to 46-year-old Angela, pregnant with twins after repeated miscarriages. Along the way, Cherry witnesses a home birth, grills a pregnant midwife and talks 'poo sieves' with almost everyone! From the serene to the surreal, Cherry is not afraid to ask the questions which most first time mothers-to-be are too afraid to broach. Liberally scattered with bum-jokes and irreverent humour, Cherry also looks at the more serious side of pregnancy, tackling post-natal depression, premature birth and miscarriage. In looking at her own experiences and those of the women she meets, she explores the broader issues of being pregnant today and the myriad of choices and decisions to be made. The show follows Cherry through her last month of pregnancy then, inevitably, the dreaded moment arrives - she gives birth. And, in a TV first, does it on national television.

  • S01E02 Cherry Get Married

    • September 20, 2010
    • BBC Three

    Cherry Healey's big day is only two months away but, while she tackles her search for the perfect dress, a growing obsession with weigh-ins and trying to find her 'inner bride', she's also travelling the country to meet women of different ages who have almost nothing in common except that they are all getting married. Through the documentary, Cherry investigates why women get married and what is the best age to do the deed. Through Cherry we get to know 16-year-old Gemma, who believes that she has already met the love of her life - she and her schoolboy fiance Nino got engaged five days after their first date and the only thing standing in their way is her parents' refusal to give their permission. Cherry also meets a Christian couple who can't wait to tie the knot and finally lose their virginity, a bride-to-be who is having to plan her wedding alone while her fiance is fighting in Afghanistan and the WAG whose every wish is granted by her Prince Charming footballer. The contrasts couldn't be more striking, but all of them have their hopes for married life in common. In the midst of her own preparations, Cherry also gets invited to the weddings of two brides-to-be, attending one clad in leopard-print and the other in a sari. But what will Cherry wear to her own wedding, as she hijacks one contributor's dress-fitting on a mission for lace and sparkly bits? Ultimately, the answer to the question of why women get married is answered by Lady Chanie, who has been married eight times and is on the lookout for husband number nine - it's really all about love.

  • S01E03 Cherry Goes Dating

    • September 27, 2010
    • BBC Three

    Cherry Healey's main focus in her life now is new baby Coco, but that's a new thing for her. With an emotional rollercoaster history of ex-boyfriends, Cherry reminisces about the pitfalls of her search for 'the one'. She again explores her experiences and those of seven women, all looking for love. She asks why, in a world where women are freer than ever before to do whatever they want to do and be whomever they chose, they are still so often on an unrelenting mission to find a partner to share it with. Love seems to have become an elusive beast, but could it be because all the good men are taken? Or are our expectations just unrealistically high? From giggly teens Victoria and Yasmin trawling Facebook for fitties to flirty 50-year-old Katie, who has decided that younger men are the only way to go, this is a whimsical and lighthearted exploration of women's attitudes to love and dating. Investigating the many and varied ways that women look for men, Cherry plays cupid, learns the 'rules' and gets into a round of poker with the Toyboy Club. The stories run the full range from achingly poignant to utterly cringeworthy, as one contributor confronts a previous date to award him with a prize for 'best man' with disappointing and embarrassing consequences. From the sublime to the ridiculous, will any of our contributors find 'the one'? And does it really matter anyway?

  • S01E04 Cherry Goes Drinking

    • BBC Three

    Documentary in which Cherry Chadwyck-Healey explores women's attitudes to alcohol. She drinks with women across the country and tries to find out what girls drink, where they drink and how their tastes change through their lives. From teenagers drinking in their bedrooms to group of grannies on a boozy trip, Cherry finds out people's embarrassing drunken secrets, sees how some women want to grow old disgracefully, discovers why women get bad press for their behaviour, and learns how they can drink more responsibly.

Season 2

  • S02E01 Cherry's Parenting Dilemmas

    • August 8, 2011
    • BBC Three

    Cherry Healey may be a proud new mum but she’s facing a battle of wills with her daughter Coco. In this personal documentary, Cherry goes to meet other mums with very different parenting styles. From a pro smacking strict parent to super liberal single mum, from a mum who works all hours to buy her kids everything they want to a mother in crisis with her teenage daughter, Cherry finds out what being a mum is all about.

  • S02E02 Cherry's Cash Dilemmas

    • August 15, 2011
    • BBC Three

    Money may be too tight to mention but not to Cherry Healey! In this personal documentary, she goes to meet women with very different experiences of the folding stuff, from a self made millionaire to a woman on the breadline. And Cherry experiences for herself what it’s like to eat from a bin when she spends time with a Freegan and gets a complete WAG makeover from a girl on a mission to bag a rich husband. Cherry’s journey takes her round the country as she finds out how financially independent women really are and if cash can make us happy.

  • S02E03 Cherry's Body Dilemmas

    • August 22, 2011
    • BBC Three

    Cherry Healey is a slave to her bathroom scales. As her teenage diaries reveal, diets and looking thin has been a lifelong obsession. And with 37 per cent of women in the UK on a diet 'most or all of the time', she's not alone. Now Cherry wants to tackle her body neurosis, so she meets up with women of all shapes and sizes to find out what makes a body beautiful. From a bodybuilder to a fat and happy fashionista, from a nudist to a frustrated slimmer, Cherry takes a look at women's body hang-ups to see if she can get rid of her own demons once and for all.

Season 3

  • S03E01 Cherry Healey: Like A Virgin

    • January 16, 2012
    • BBC Three

    Cherry Healey finds out if losing one's virginity really has a lasting impact, from a girl's first time in the back of a Fiat Panda to a man who has popped his cherry three times.

Additional Specials

  • SPECIAL 0x1 Is Breast Best? Cherry Healey Investigates

    • April 12, 2011
    • BBC Three

    In this fun yet compelling documentary, Cherry Healey explores the topical issue of breastfeeding and asks Is Breast Best? The World Health Organisation advises that all mothers breastfeed their children for at least the first six months after birth, but Cherry herself found the experience painful and traumatic and eventually gave up. Over a year later she is still plagued by feelings of guilt for not trying harder and is now on a mission to find out how other mums feel - is she the only one? Along the way she meets Jess, a teen mum who never even considered breastfeeding and has formula-fed all the way with no worries at all, and a group of 'lactivists' who strongly believe that breastfeeding is the only option for a new mum. Join Cherry as she explores the world of boobs, bottles, babies and breast milk with her usual refreshing honesty.