A beautiful blonde seduces various lovers in a small-town, causing havoc. It isn’t until an unlikely witness steps forward and another tragic death occurs that the village becomes aware there is a cunning and charming killer in their midst.
When a Jeopardy-winning colleague romances Linda Kinkade, it seems she’s won the jackpot until she dies mysteriously. It will take a wily cold-case cop to uncover an overlooked clue to put a killer behind bars.
Single mom, Margie Danielsen, falls in love with a handsome chef. But when an episode of “America’s Most Wanted” airs, she realizes she may be far too close to a fugitive and must risk her life to bring him to justice.
When a dance instructor waltzes into widower Alan Helmick’s life, he is elated - until someone inspired by the movie “No Country for Old Men” puts an end to his dreams. It will take a savvy team of investigators to bring a killer to justice.
Kathi Spiars believes she's finally met Mr. Right when an ex-CIA agent gives her everything she's ever wanted; the honeymoon is over when she discovers a dark secret and then chooses to risk her life to bring an elusive killer to justice.
Policeman Glenn Turner is over the moon when a beautiful 911 dispatcher woos him with luxurious gifts -- until he dies suddenly from natural causes. When a second man dies unexpectedly, his family searches for the truth to stop a cold-blooded killer.
Dewayne Barrentine thinks he’s found the perfect mother for his young son -- until he stumbles on a mysterious message from another mother looking for her own missing son. Dewayne risks his life to put together the pieces of a missing person’s case.
When Girly Chew meets a charming doctor, she believes her American dream has come true. Her co-workers become alarmed when she goes missing, and investigators are confronted with a bizarre case involving UFOs and alien queens.