A special program offering a behind-the-scenes look at "The Prisoner," the series of dramas about a man who finds himself imprisoned in a quaint yet menacing resort village, where futuristic technology keeps him under constant surveillance, making escape seem impossible. The program uses the "Prisoner" premise, with host Saul Reichlin seated in a large futuristic chair, attempting to elicit "information" about the series to determine why it was such a success. Clips from "The Prisoner" and actor/executive producer Patrick McGoohan's previous series "Danger Man" are interwoven with interviews with McGoohan, as well as creative and production personnel.
Name | Type | Role | |
Chris Rodley | Writer | ||
Don Chaffey | Guest Star | ||
Lew Grade | Guest Star | ||
Lewis Greife | Guest Star | ||
Patrick McGoohan | Guest Star | ||
Laurens C. Postma | Director |