Eldon thinks that Canada needs a change in its outlook, and what better change than to adopt a new emblem? Canada has moved beyond the beaver and needs an emblem more spritely, more slimy, more green: the frog. At least that's what Eldon thinks, so he sends Sid and Cat to Fredericton, the capital city of New Brunswick, and home to Canada's only Amphibian Park, the Hyla Park Reserve. Along the way, our bold hosts discover the highest tides on earth at Fundy National Park of Canada, where Karen Townsend, Heritage Presentation Coordinator, shows them how a barnacle builds its house. Not only do the powerful tides affect marine life, they also affect water far inland. In Fallsview Park near St. John, and over 100 kilometres away from Fundy National Park of Canada, Marc-Andre Gossein, co-owner of Reversing Falls Jet Boat Rides, shows Sid and Cat how the tides make rivers completely reverse direction! Our explorers soon discover the best way to view the Reversing Falls is to get right on top of them – in an inflatable hamster wheel! Will Eldon find the amphibian that speaks for Canada? More importantly, is Canada ready for a slimy, green new emblem? Find out on this episode of CG Kids.