In this episode of CG Kids, Jennifer and Jamie zip to and fro between British Columbia's Gulf Islands — also known as one of the warmest spots in Canada! Our CG-ers are in for nothin' but snow, however, as they kayak over to Salt Spring, the largest island in the Strait of Georgia, which separates Vancouver Island from the mainland. Here, Jamie and Jennifer meet up with 14-year-old and 12-year-old Kim and Eryn Krieger, on the grass-covered roof of their house no less, before checking out the llamas that live on their sprawling farm! The llama lovin' continues when our adventurers try their hand at llama wool-spinning down at the Gulf Islands Spinning Mill run by mom Maggie Krieger. No time to dally, though! Our CG-ers ferry over to Gabriola Island, where they attend a brief class at the Silva Bay Shipyard School, the only full-time wooden boat-building school in Canada. Then it's time for a real wooden boat trip on Bob and Alice Wyche's 32-foot-long sailboat, which means Jamie and Jennifer get to check out the petroglyphs and dramatic scenery of the area. Just when they're settling in, our CG-ers hop onto yet ANOTHER boat, this one of the motorized variety, to explore some of the Strait of Georgia's rich marine life with marine biologist Brian Nichols. Boating a-plenty — as well as llama shearing, boat building and island hopping — all on this episode of CG Kids!