Cestvs defeats Felix with a miraculous single blow. The defeated Felix tells Cestvs to race up to the top before departing. In Sicily, where the main event will be held, Cestvs is reunited with Emden, who is excited for their rematch, as well as Ruska. Ruska insists that it's impossible for Cestvs to win and that he should withdraw from the tournament, but Cestvs refuses. "These fists are already soaked in blood. All I can do is move forward!" Each fighter carries his own feelings and desires in his heart as the Emperor Nero's tournament begins...
Cestvs venceu Felix e se sagrou campeão das eliminatórias, garantindo sua vaga no torneio da Sicília. Zafar então mostra a nova técnica que ele deverá dominar se quiser se tornar vencedor, dando início a uma nova jornada.
Cestvs venceu Felix e se sagrou campeão das eliminatórias, garantindo sua vaga no torneio da Sicília. Zafar então mostra a nova técnica que ele deverá dominar se quiser se tornar vencedor, dando início a uma nova jornada.
Les qualifications pour le grand tournoi sont terminées, mais pour Cestus, tout ne fait que commencer. Une fois ses adieux faits à Félix, notre héros reprend l'entraînement sous la tutelle de son maître, afin de préparer les combats à venir. C'est alors qu'en arrivant dans la ville où se tiendra l'événement, il fait quelques retrouvailles inattendues...
Cestus hat den Vorentscheid gewonnen und so das Recht erlangt, beim großen Turnier in Sizilien anzutreten. Man begibt sich nach Syrakus, wo die besten Kämpfer der bekannten Welt aufeinander treffen.
يتمكّن سيستس بالفوز في التصفيات والتأهل للبطولة الرئيسية بعد ضربته القاضية لفيلكس، لكنه لا يزال يعاني أوجاع القتال. يبحرالمعلم ظفر وبقية التلامذة إلى سرقوسة حيث تقام البطولة، يجتمع المقاتلون من أرجاء العالم ويلتقي سيستس هناك صديقاً قديماً