Nonoka suddenly finds herself returning to the day she arrived in Lake Kiriya, this time with the saucer nowhere to be seen above the city, like it was never there to begin with. Furthermore, she discovers none of her friends have any memories of Noel or the saucer, and Shione is nowhere to be found, later learning she moved away during elementary school. As Nonoka starts to doubt herself over whether Noel even existed in the first place, Shione appears before her, revealing that she has also retained her memories of Noel.
노엘과 원반이 사라진 거리에서 노엘을 기억하고 있는 건 노노카 한 명뿐이었다. 노노카는 필사적으로 친구들에게 노엘에 관해 떠오르는 게 없냐며 묻지만 돌아오는 건 당황하는 얼굴이었는데.
Solo Nonoka recordaba a Noel después de que el platillo y Noel desaparecieran. Nonoka pregunta desesperadamente a sus amigos si hay algo que surge de Noel, pero sin resultado.