This drama tells the story of Ding Junjie, the deputy general manager of a cosmetics company, and Ying Jiaming, the son of the cynical chairman of the board. Though the two originally have a tit-for-tat, cat and mouse relationship, they gradually come to know and understand one another.
Cuenta la historia de Ding Jun Jie, subdirector general de una empresa de cosméticos, y Ying Jia Ming, hijo del cínico presidente de la junta. Aunque los dos originalmente tienen una relación de ojo por ojo, gato y ratón, poco a poco se van conociendo y entendiendo.
This drama tells the story of Ding Junjie, the deputy general manager of a cosmetics company, and Ying Jiaming, the son of the cynical chairman of the board. Though the two originally have a tit-for-tat, cat and mouse relationship, they gradually come to know and understand one another.
Ding Jun Jie est directeur général adjoint d'une société leader dans le domaine des cosmétiques. Il y rencontre le fils du président du Conseil d'administration de la société, Ying Jia Ming. Bien qu'ils partent du mauvais pied et entament une relation conflictuelle, les deux hommes commencent lentement à se rendre compte qu'ils développent des sentiments amoureux l'un pour l'autre.
Este drama conta a história de Ding Jun Jie, o vice-gerente geral de uma empresa de cosméticos, e Ying Jia Ming, filho do cínico presidente do conselho. Embora os dois originalmente tenham um relacionamento olho por olho, gato e rato, eles gradualmente se conhecem e se entendem.