
Captain Simian & The Space Monkeys

Captain Simian and the Space Monkeys is a weekly half-hour animated show about Captain Charlie Simian who, after being charged with the task of safeguarding the universe from Nebula, recruits a crew of primates and in his ship, the Primate Avenger, heads towards adventure, Earth, and hopefully bananas.

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Season From To Episodes
All Seasons
Specials 0
Season 1 September 1996 June 1997 26
Unassigned Episodes 0
Season From To Episodes
Unassigned Episodes 26
Absolute ordering places all episodes in a single ordered season. This is generally used for anime.
Season From To Episodes
Season 1 0
Unassigned Episodes 26
Name Number of Episodes Dates
Gordon Bressack 16 09/07/1996 - 06/21/1997
Dennys McCoy 5 09/14/1996 - 04/19/1997
Pamela Hickey 5 09/14/1996 - 04/19/1997
Laraine Arkow 4 11/23/1996 - 05/17/1997
Marlowe Weisman 4 11/23/1996 - 05/17/1997
Rob Hudnut 3 09/07/1996 - 05/10/1997
D.C. Fontana 2 02/15/1997 - 05/03/1997
Martin Olson 2 09/21/1996 - 02/08/1997
Alan Swayze 1 11/16/1996
Nick Sagan 1 11/02/1996
Lynn Mills 1 11/30/1996
Christy Marx 1 03/01/1997
Jimmy Huston 1 11/30/1996
Richard Mueller 1 02/01/1997
Mark Seidenberg 1 09/14/1996
Beth Slick 1 11/09/1996
Name Number of Episodes Dates
Bradley Rader 13 09/07/1996 - 06/21/1997
David Schwartz 9 09/14/1996 - 06/14/1997
Joe Pearson 4 01/25/1997 - 06/14/1997
John Fox 2 05/03/1997 - 06/07/1997

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