It is upon us. It’s taken almost a year, but the Direct-To-DVD release of Caprica has finally given way to the airing of it as parts 1 and 2 on SyFy as a regular season of television! We’ve got to say that with the Blood, Boobies and Human Sacrifice that we’ve been privy to seeing so far, it looks like Ron Moore managed to skirt the TV-Gods and Censors quite elegantly by releasing in on DVD first, but what did YOU think of the televised version? There have been quite a few times in his podcasts that he mentioned how the TV version of a Battlestar Episode wasn’t quite his ideal cut (for either time or network restrictions) but with Caprica available for first viewing as an unspoiled DVD version, we’ve already seen what Ron wants us to see… so we’re excited to get the regular reason underway! Battlestar is over, long live Caprica!