En route to the Graytown construction site, the train is forced to halt because of Tom's cows passing across the tracks; When Candy recognizes him and reveals her destination, Tom advises her not to go to Graytown. He claims it are difficult conditions, not to mention full of criminals. He also tells her that Mrs. Pony is gravely ill. He helps Candy to a horse so she can ride to Pony's Home. As Candy crests Pony Hill, she comes across a cross claiming it as Mrs. Pony's resting place. But when Sister Mary finds Candy in tears she explains that a new boy Bob makes crosses of the people who are angry with him. Mrs. Pony is in perfect health, and Tom lied to divert her from Graytown and make her visit Pony's Home. Mrs. Pony and Sister Mary explain they let Bob make the crosses with names on it, because he takes pride in carpentering like his drunken father and is learning how to write. Candy orders Bob to make her signboard for the Graytown clinic. When Mrs. Pony and Sister Mary learn where Candy is going though, they hope to dissuade her from going as well. Graytown promises to be no picnic.
En chemin vers sa nouvelle affectation, Candy croise Tom qui l’informe que mademoiselle Pony est très malade, aussi se presse-t-elle vers l’orphelinat et tombe sur une croix au nom de Pony et s’effondre en pleurs… En réalité, la morte est en pleine santé. Bob, un pensionnaire, a comme à son habitude fait une croix pour se venger d’une remontrance (on le laisse faire car il apprend ainsi à écrire), et la maladie a été inventée par Tom pour que Candy leur rende visite. Finalement, Candy apprivoise Bob et personne ne veut la voir aller au chantier à la mauvaise réputation.
Nel recarsi al nuovo lavoro, Candy incrocia Tom. Il ragazzo, ormai adulto, la avvisa della cattiva salute di Miss Pony e la ragazza si precipita alla Casa di Pony. Qui apprende che la croce affisa sulla collina è uno scherzo di un bambino ribelle dell'orfanotrofio, Bobby e che Miss Pony gode di ottima salute. Poi, a fine giornata, decide di ripartire per la ferrovia.
En el camino al sitio de construcción Graytown, el tren se ve obligado a detener a causa de las vacas de Tom que pasan a través de las pistas; Cuando Candy lo reconoce y revela su destino, Tom informa que no se vaya a Graytown.