Burton Roberts, of Survivor: Pearl Islands hosts twelve of his reality star friends in Big Bear, California for a weekend of challenges, games and all around good times. After a night of partying in the cabin, the wake-up call comes early as Burton leads everyone to their first activity...The Paintball Challege.
Camp Reality returns from the mountains of Big Bear, California. This time its the Milk Chug Challenge and then on to Big Bear Lake for The Globe Challenge and more camp fun.
Burton and his friends are up to their antics again on another fun episode of Camp Reality. Walking across a rope suspended high in the sky is exciting for this group - well, all except for one nervous Johnny Fairplay. Put your fears aside and tune into see what happens when you hand a group of reality stars a bow and arrow...you won't be disappointed!
Now it's time to see what happens when you send reality stars to scale a rock wall! You'll be surprised who is brave enough for the feat. Then on to the obstacle course, where speed outweighs strategy. Don't miss the growing egos and rising heart rates on this episode of Camp Reality.
On this episode of Camp Reality the challenges get even more difficult. Hanging onto a 2x4 in the Dangle Duo is not the easiest thing, especially if you're being pelted with water balloons. Even though everyone is friendly at Camp Reality, they don't mind busting each other in the back with water balloons. The day ends with a cookout around the campfire and then back to the house for a night of partying.
On the season finale of Camp Reality, the mood is by no means sad. Everyone is eager to continue the fun. They start by running on land in gigantic inflatables during the Nuclear Globe challenge and then move on to participate in the final round of the Obstacle Course. Water ballon throwing hits new heights and sends some to their knees. And finally, this camp experience ends as we revisit some memorable moments from Camp Reality!