The Callboys seem to hit rock-bottom when Mike Sleeckx holds them under paintball-shot to extract ransom for his dead dog and wrecked life. Randy shows both courage and loyalty, Wesley is shamed yellow, Jay's dumb arrogance exposed. Sigi's return with a working Dilldoys website seems a ray of bright hope, but Devon must now announce he's deserting the escort team for Fuck Army alternative under the name Calltoys, although his partners Luca and Koy were selected unilaterally against agreement with boss Kjetl Benson.
De rampzalige passage bij Fuckarmy leek het orgelpunt van zeven maanden slecht management bij de Callboys. Wes voelt dat het tijd is om de barstjes in hun bestand te dichten. Maar dat is buiten Mike Sleeckx van Fly Eye gerekend, die nog altijd wacht op de vergoeding voor zijn drone.
Alors que Mike Sleeckx menace les Callboys et que le commerce des « Calltoys » est au point mort, l'intégrité de l'équipe est menacée quand Devon annonce son départ pour la Fuck Army.