Tourists come early to the historic Callanish Stones for the most spectacular solar eclipse for many years. Tha luchd-turais a' tighinn tràth chun a' làraich eachdraidheil aig Tursachan Chalanais, son dubhadh na grèine as fheàrr o chionn fhada.
At the Callanish Visitor Centre, June brings a French tour group who demand a little extra attention from the staff, and at the stone circle, Pagans gather for the summer solstice. Aig Ionad Chalanais tha an t-Og Mhios a toirt leis buidheann Frangaich nacheil cho furasta an riarachadh. Agus aig a Chearcall cloiche tha Paganaich a tighinn 'son an la is fhaide de'n bhliadhna.
Thousands of people pass through the Callanish visitor centre each day, and Kirsteen is back in the heat of the kitchen after a year in Italy. Local artist Ivor Mackay sets up studio next door. Gach la, na miltean a tadhal air Ionad Chalanais - Kirsteen air ais gu teas a chidsin, as deidh bliadhna anns an Eadailt. Agus a fear-Ealain Iomhar MacAoidh, a gluasad a studio aige an ath dhorus.
Late autumn at Callanish brings the season's first casualty from the Azores cruise ship, and plans for a new tourist centre are unveiled in a midst of an Indian summer. Tha deireadh an Fhoghar aig Calanais a toirt leis a chiad suidheachadh eiginn de'n bhliadhna, bho'n a bhata-cruise, an Azores. Agus, tha planaichean togalach ura air fhoillseacahdh le samhradh Innnseanach.