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Season 4

This season is locked. New artwork may be added. Locked by Caféine
  • TheTVDB.com Season ID 82441
  • Created February 4, 2008
  • Modified February 17, 2025
When available, episode names will be translated into your preferred language. Otherwise they will be shown using the series' origin language.
Name First Aired Runtime Image
S04E01 Where's Gilbert
February 1, 2000
PBS Kids Sprout
S04E02 Where I Saw it Last
February 2, 2000
PBS Kids Sprout
S04E03 Lost in the Jungle
February 3, 2000
PBS Kids Sprout
S04E04 Everyone's Best
PBS Kids Sprout
S04E05 Stronger Every Day
PBS Kids Sprout
S04E06 No More Training Wheels
PBS Kids Sprout
S04E07 Caillou the Road Builder
PBS Kids Sprout
S04E08 Caillou's Building Adventure
PBS Kids Sprout
S04E09 A House in the Sky
PBS Kids Sprout
S04E10 Caillou Helps Out
September 22, 2000
S04E11 Caillou the Firefighter
PBS Kids Sprout
S04E12 Caillou to the Rescue
April 7, 2006
S04E13 Caillou and the Big Slide
S04E14 Caillou the Sailor
S04E15 Caillou and the Creepy Crawlies
S04E16 Snowflakes 9
S04E17 Caillou Shoots! He Scores!
S04E18 Caillou goes Tobogganing
S04E19 Caillou Plays the Drums
S04E20 Caillou's Marching Band
S04E21 Caillou Sings
S04E22 Show and Tell
S04E23 Caillou the Magician
S04E24 Caillou's Castle
S04E25 Caillou of the Antarctic
S04E26 Deep Sea Caillou
S04E27 Caillou in the Bayou
S04E28 Magnet Madness
S04E29 Caillou the Dinosaur Hunter
S04E30 Caillou the Astronaut
S04E31 Caillou the Librarian
S04E32 Caillou the Bookworm
June 21, 2006
S04E33 Caillou the Storyteller
S04E34 A Present for Mommy
S04E35 Caillou the Chef
S04E36 Caillou the Painter
S04E37 Captain Caillou
July 5, 2006
S04E38 The Loudest Noise
S04E39 Caillou's First Wedding
S04E40 Caillou Goes Shopping
May 7, 2001
S04E41 Caillou Goes Apple Picking
S04E42 Caillou's Halloween Costume
S04E43 Shoo, Shoo Bird, Fly Away!
S04E44 Caillou's Road Trip
S04E45 Caillou and the Dragon
S04E46 Caillou's Surprise
July 26, 2006
S04E47 A Surprise for Miss Martin
S04E48 A Surprise Sleepover
S04E49 Caillou the Patient
S04E50 Caillou the Police Officer
S04E51 Grandpa's Friend
S04E52 Caillou Goes Caroling
S04E53 A Playschool Party
S04E54 Caillou's Christmas Eve 9
S04E55 Caillou's Valentines
S04E56 Hello Spring!
S04E57 Caillou's April Fool
S04E58 A Sweet and Sour Day
S04E59 Caillou's Puppet Show
S04E60 Caillou's Collection
season finale

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