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All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Freedom

    People should be free. Meet Billy, the cabin and what drove him to walk a different path.

  • S01E02 Fire

    Want to make a change in your life? Whether it's getting started on your cabin or simply getting to a better place in life, it's time to break the inertia that's holding you in place. Since the release of the first "Cabin People" video, the question asked most is, how do I get started? My experience was that it was more of a mental hurdle than a physical one. Convincing yourself that you can do it and then making the first

  • S01E03 Trees

    Trees have a lot to teach us about endurance.

  • S01E04 Finished

    A simple walk-through video tour of the completed cabin

  • S01E05 Stacking lumber

  • S01E06 Fences

  • S01E07 Smoke Pork