Though he is lauded as England’s greatest writer, the legacy of William Shakespeare may have been a sham from the beginning. Joseph Atwill’s research may have uncovered a bevy of ghost writers; primary among them is a woman named Emilia Bassano. Her writings, as Shakespeare, could have been a response to the jests inherit within the gospels, as written by the court of Titus Flavius. Now, we may have the key to deciphering the truth behind, what may have always been, fabulous tales of weaponized anthropology. This interview with Sean Stone was originally webcast November 14, 2016.While studying the two most prominent works of the 1st century – Josephus’, Wars of the Jews and the Gospels, Joseph Atwill noticed a series of parallels occurring in sequence between the military campaign of the Roman Caesar Titus Flavius and the ministry of Jesus. His findings led him to a startling new conclusion about the origins of Christianity. The results of Atwill’s research are set out in his book, Caesar’s Messiah.