While houses from the recently decommissioned airforce base in Tocumwal, New South Wales, delivered via truck to Canberra went some way toward addressing the housing crisis in our nation's capital, with post war immigration and the baby boom the rest of Australia needed some 400,000 new homes. This episode tells the story of how factory built houses and project homes met this intense demand for housing and, to a degree, reflected both the taste for 'modernity' and the preferences of the 'New Australians' who moved into the spreading suburbs. From the once revolutionary display village of 'Kingsdene Estate' in Carlingford, from Ken Woolley's Lowlines to Nino Sydney's Beachcombers (himself a post-war immigrant) this is the story of how Australia managed to house us all. It is the story of the 25 most formative years that shaped the Australia we live in today. The job of building Australia is, of course, ongoing but in six episodes John Doyle has charted the journey so far. His perspective has privileged the building that matters most to all of us - the home. His observations and his conversations with a range of experts, enthusiasts and homeowners around the country have offered insight and commentary on how, in building the Australian house, we have both created and been created by a unique set of values, priorities and solutions. The series will explore how Australia has shaped the Australian house - and in turn, how the Australian house has shaped the lives and cultures of Australians. Throughout the series, John Doyle will chart the journey of the Australian house so far, through observations and conversations with a range of experts, enthusiasts and home owners around the country.