It's Brandon's first-ever Pokémon adventure and Kyle can't wait to document each little moment. Can this primitive 20-year-old game capture the imagination of a fully-formed adult who has ignored the franchise entirely until this moment?
After Johnny's carefree sweep through week 1, Brandon hits his first major roadblock. ...and it's not Snorlax.
As the game begins to open up, Brandon uses his newfound freedom to continue to play by his own rules.
This is an absolutely necessarily extra-long episode to catch up on Brandon's extended discoveries over the course of his vacation.
As Jones' aimlessness becomes laser focus, he receives a gift of ultimate responsibility.
Brandon's trek to Fuscia City brings Safari Zone frustrations, two new HMs, and a formidable invisible labyrinth
Just when he though he had everything figured out, Brandon stumbles upon an unexpected island filled with dark mysteries and one fairly straightforward gym.
Brandon's easy breezy trip through the land of Kanto hits a major speed bump in his confounded search for the final badge.
Brandon gets his last badge, reaches the end credits of Pokemon Red, and confronts the ultimate Pokemon as we build up to next week's climactic battle between Brandon and Kyle.
Everything has lead to this moment. Brandon shares his final thoughts and observations on Pokémon Red, and then faces off against his greatest enemy: some bumbling doofus.
Due to popular demand, Jones finally watches the Pokémon Origins series (and his first anime!).
Brandon’s Pokémon adventure continues, and this time Kyle is playing for the first time too. As Brandon prepares to review Pokémon Sun, Kyle explores Moon’s secrets after avoiding spoilers for months. What will the newest installment in the Pokémon franchise be like to someone who missed out on twenty years of updates? Which trainer will emerge victorious this time? Stay tuned!
Brandon wakes up in the world of Pokemon Sun after a 20 year gap like a regular Rip Van Winkle, while Kyle remains easily impressed by the most minor improvements. And, of course, we conclude with a battle.
Brandon heads to the second island, Akala, and discovers Kyle isn't too far ahead. Time to figure out what Pokemon are new and old, what new mounted Pokémon will help speed things up, and what gameplay elements have evolved after 20 years. It all ends in an online trade and battle for EZA Pokémon supremacy.
Over the winter break Jones has managed to make incredible progress in Pokémon Sun, and it definitely shows in his battle against his merciless rival Bosman.
The series comes to a close as Brandon finally reaches the end credits of Pokemon Sun. There's plenty left to do in the game, but there's much to be done at EZA as well, so it's time to move on. Together with Kyle, the 2 trainers analyze the ending of Sun & Moon, and contemplate some of the continual mysteries of the Pokemon world. WARNING: massive spoilers for anyone that hasn't finished either Sun or Moon. Alola, Allies!