30분마다 기억이 리셋 되는 ‘선행성 기억상실증’ 환자가 엄마를 죽였다며 자수한다. 신경과학팀을 떠났던 하루는 책에서만 보던 선행성기억상실증 환자에 흥미를 느끼고 다시 사건 해결에 몰두한다.
A kid, who is referred to as Reset Man, makes a call to the police and confesses that he has killed his mother. The Neuroscientific Investigation Team believes that he is suffering from anterograde amnesia and that his memories are reset every 30 minutes. Ha-ru rejoins the team when he hears about the name of the suspect’s disease. No clear evidence supports the theory that the suspect is guilty of the murder, and the investigation continues.