Whether colors exist; why people see colors; whether it is possible to see colors that are not really there.
The connection between oneself and the space one lives in; how much one really notices about the world.
Why stress and distractions can radically alter one's experiences.
Appearance, smell and culture affect the ways people choose, taste and experience the food they eat.
The concept of "mirroring"; whether a person's eyes are worth following; whether most people would rather fall in line or go their own way.
Memory can be both misled and improved; useful shortcuts to brain data.
The many layers of language; how words evolved; the links between what one sees and hears; the mysterious communication abilities of twins.
How the brain identifies patterns to understand the world; how the brain can create patterns even when there are none.
The nature of common sense; the wisdom of the crowd; how many ways there are to trap a mouse.
What happens when the brain's two hemispheres work together in harmony, and what happens when they don't.
Investigating commonly held misconceptions.
The nature of superstitions; psychic readings; confirmation bias; mysterious card tricks.
Conformity; standing up to peer pressure.
The nature of logic; how the mind processes cause and effect.
The human face; recognizing people; perceiving emotions through facial expressions.
How sleep affects the memory, motor skills and alertness.
The many ways that thinking positively or negatively can impact one's decisions and life.
Mankind vs. the animal kingdom in long-distance running, short-term memory and eating competitions.
Boys and girls talk, listen and think differently.
Why a $1 bill is worth more than other slips of paper; how a $20 bill can be worth more than $20; how a wallet on the sidewalk can become virtually invisible.
Perceiving and adapting to changes in distance and direction.