Boruto makes a desperate decision to prevent Momoshiki from taking over his consciousness again. Meanwhile, Kawaki drives back Code using the Karma that Amado revived. Willing to do whatever it takes to eliminate anyone who is a threat to Naruto, Kawaki fights with overwhelming power. Shikamaru is shocked by his strength, and Code learns the difference in their powers. Boruto and Kawaki have overcome various obstacles as brothers, but a troubling shadow begins to loom over their relationship. As Momoshiki once said, the fateful moment that will take everything from Boruto is approaching!
Naruto pleure devant le corps inerte de Boruto, mais Shikamaru l’engage à poursuivre le combat malgré sa douleur. De son côté, Kawaki réduit la taille des marques de griffes de Code, pour l’empêcher de fuir vers son repaire.
Kawaki acaba desferindo um golpe mortal contra Boruto devido ao seu acordo... Naruto precisa lidar com a morte repentina do filho, pois a luta contra Code continua.
Kawaki acaba desferindo um golpe mortal contra Boruto devido ao seu acordo... Naruto precisa lidar com a morte repentina do filho, pois a luta contra Code continua.
Tras lo ocurrido entre Kawaki y Boruto, el combate contra Code sigue mientras Naruto sigue sin creer que haya perdido a su hijo.
Durch Kawakis Angriff liegt Boruto im Sterben. Naruto kann es nicht fassen, dass Kawaki das getan hat. In der Zwischenzeit kommt es zu einem direkten Schlagabtausch zwischen Kawaki und Code.
يقتل كاواكي بوروتو ويقع ناروتو في صدمة، يقاتل كاواكي كود بقوته الحقيقية ويضعه في موقف حرج لكن هل مات بوروتو حقًا؟