Born and Bred is a light-hearted British drama series that aired on BBC One from 2002 to 2005.
Born and Bred is based around the village of Ormston in Lancashire. The lead characters are Dr Arthur Gilders and his son Tom, who together run the cottage hospital under the new National Health Service. Tom is married to Deborah, who is chairman of the Parish Council, and they have four children, Helen, Michael, Catherine and Philip. The hospital's nurse is Linda Cosgrove, who is married to the village policeman, Len. The local pub is run by Phyllis Woolf and the village shop by Mr Horace Boynton.
BBC:n tuottama sarja sijoittuu 50-luvulle idylliseen Ormstonin kylään, jossa kaikki tuntevat toisensa.
Dans les années 50, Tom retourne dans son village natal pour aider son père Arthur à transformer la petite clinique locale en hôpital public structuré. Leurs différences d'appréciation de la médecine et leurs différents familiaux rend l'opération compliquée...