Alan can't believe that Rowan likes The Phantom Menace...
There's been a massive Star Wars misunderstanding
Rowan realizes that he's in a webseries
Speaking to women is hard
When a customer is at fault but wants a store credit
This burglar just wants enough money to buy an MacBook Air
It's hard to believe it, but we've just finished our 40th episode! Here are all forty eps crammed together into a feature length movie. ENJOY!
Rowan and Alan meet Rodney the janitor for the first time
Rodney the janitor fills in for Rowan
What else do you want?
You can't keep running off. You're the manager
Shia LaBeouf applies for a job at Playtech...there are some issues.
The stress of getting the handshake right
Alan's magic trick is actually scary...
When you just know you've forgotten something
Rowan has a problem with people who play games on Apple
Starcraft ultra fan harassment
Rowan hires somebody else... lets just say he and Alan don't quite get along. WOAAAAAAAAH!
Rowan's had a haircut. What will Alan think of his new look?! Happy Holidays everyone!
Rowan hires somebody else... AGAIN. Say whaaaaat??
Adam has a bone to pick with Zac... and somethings happening with Alan and Rowan...?
That awkward moment when you're not invited...awkward
Adam has never heard of Reddit. Alan shows him Reddit. People die.
Don't you hate it when videos are badly edited?!
Alan and Adam need to bloody listen!
This Pokemon Go thing has really gotten out of hand!
There's a cookie and only one person can have it...
Alan is closing up shop for the night alone...or is he?
Alan and Adam finally get revenge on Rowan for taking their cookies!
Just make it part of a super casual list - Three quick things
Pokemon Go is DANGEROUS. So PLEASE be careful or you'll end up like Adam...
Ellie gets a job at Playtech
Rowan tries to interact with a girl
Ellie has a go on the new virtual reality machine at Playtech.
Ever wonder how Rowan became the manager?
Rowan doesn't recognize Adam with his glasses on
When the magic goes
The introduction of the White Shirt!
Alan and Rowan were friends long before they worked at Playtech. A bond stronger than some silly white fabric...
Has the power of the white shirt completely consumed Alan?!
The power of the white shirt has completely overtaken. Alan's mental and physical abuse of Rowan must be stopped. But will Adam and Ellie believe Rowan?
A tale as old as time
Black Shirt vs White Shirt - A battle for the ages!
Ever wondered why some people don't answer a call-back?
When Snapchat catches you off guard it can be devastating
Alan arrives at work at 9:01 and he's supposed to start at you see the problem here?
Rowan and Alan have this game they like to play...well Rowan likes to play it...
Rowan gets locked in... definitely is locked in
Rowan and Ellie are talking in secret about Alan
The battle of the year HAS BEGUN!
Calling in sick be like...
Adam doesn't understand the game
Alan's not wearing his Playtech top
Rowan doesn't understand social cues
The shop doesn't open until 9am
Rowan literally knows nothing about computers
Placing bets on your lazy boss
Alan Adam and Rowan are playing 'Would You Rather' again. But this time Rowan decides to involve a knife to spice things up. Things get serious!
Well it's payday at Playtech and for some reason they get paid in actual cash. BTW this is real New Zealand Money. This is what our money looks like! Let it rain! Let it rain!
When the customer is just browsing
Suspiciously few customers today. Wonder why? Bet Rowan has something to do with it.
Computer Power Plus has asked the team to make a promo video. Should be super easy right?
A hot chick walks in and Rowan nails it
That customer who is just finishing up a phone call
Adam wants it at cost price...
How to deal with an insane customer
Rowan warns of a mystery shopper coming into the store to test the employees... but he might not be quite who they expect...
You have a secret? Don't tell Rowan.
Would you like the floor model?
Not enough notice
Running a power tool over the keyboard for 2 seconds should fix it
It's the last one in stock. Lucky Hamish has put his deposit down and pre-ordered it...
Alan confronts Adam about his crush on Ellie. Adam will do anything to avoid the embarrassment!
Adam's dad's just passed away...
Rowan is SERIOUS about the 5pm closing time. It's a very strict policy
Rowan wants to go the extra mile to help get some products out the door. It's time to get a sexy model and do a photoshoot!
It's a dangerous day at Playtech when you run out of a popular product... so desperate times call for desperate measures...
Rowan is up to no good...
Rowan has caught himself a criminal
Ellie has discovered how stupid Rowan really is
Who stole Alan's brownie!?
To celebrate hitting 200 episodes of Bored - we are bringing you TWO massive supercuts. Here is the first 1-100. With 101-200 coming soon.
Look - you can like ANY song you like okay? Even One Direction... I guess...
It's time for Adam to finally resign from Playtech. He doesn't want to quit though...
Rowan has found a new passion as a vlogger... and it's not weird at all...
Something pretty important in the store has gone missing... but it's taking a while for Rowan to notice...
Rowan still hasn't noticed the stock from the entire store is missing... but where DID it all go?
Finally the truth comes out about what has happened to the store!
It is always an awkward moment when you catch a thief trying to shoplift from the store... super awkward...
When the boss gives an unfair kiss
Alan's jealousy over work kisses is starting to build up and he will do anything in his power to get a kiss from Rowan.
This kissies thing has to stop! It's going to take a few words from the HR manager to sort it out
Rowan has gotten into mining bitcoins and wants to show off his mining setup to Alan.
We probably shouldn't have made this episode...
Adam is obsessed with new keyboard smells
Ben the asshole customer comes in a LOT and annoys the guys... But today he confesses the reason why.
Rowan needs to plan out the mail drop using the new electronic whiteboard.
Adam has a new cape
Adam, Ellie and Alan are pretty fed up with how Rowan has been treating them. So its time to do something about it!
Rowan has a nice little surprise for Adam and Alan at IEM...
The return of the the cookie
Adam has to do a fart - but he sure as hell isn't going to admit it
Where's the best place to buy scented candles?
Adams new box smell obsession has gotten out of hand!
We just need your surname...
It's Byron's Birthday, and no ones knows who Byron is
Ellie has a confession to make, and Adam has some serious thoughts about what she has to say...
Delivery man Byron learns some really important information about his job... that he probably should have learnt 6 years ago...
It's naked day at Playtech
Free laptop with every USB purchased...
Adam really has a hard time grasping games sometimes...
It's just a dick bump - don't be weird about it!
Well now THAT's why the front door is always closed at Playtech...
The Playtech awards may not be entirely fair
The complaints pile at Playtech is REALLY starting to grow... and Rowan really doesn't want to deal with it.
Adam just won lotto and has a few things he'd like to get off his chest...
Alan and Rowan are still arguing about Star Wars. And forcing Adam to take sides
For some odd reason Playtech isn't making much money... and now Rowan has to resort to paying the staff another way... compliments
The guys have all got some pretty strong opinions about Diablo Immortal after its announcement at Blizzcon 2018.
Rowan lies
Rowan tries to open up to Adam and Alan about his extensive modelling career... but is there any truth to it?
When customers don't know how to describe what they want
Let's be honest people love getting paid to poo. Rowan is having NONE of it though
When a customer sends a fax
It's that time of year which is all about giving - and Rowan is in a giving mood. Christmas bonus time!
Rowan has become a verb... it's finally happened...
Adam is REALLY good at hide and seek... maybe just a little bit too good.
Alan should read his contract. In particular a part about keys
Rowan is the king of playing immature games at work and Alan is going to have none of it... or is he?
Ben is up to his usual antics - this time trying to use monopoly money to buy stuff from Playtech.
Rowan doesn't quite understand what it means for someone to have a peanut allergy...
Things get a little bit awkward when Rowan finds out that Alan and Adam are going out to work drinks without him.
When your pay comes down to a coin flip
Rowan calls an unnecessary meeting
Adam must atone for his sins like Cersie Lannister. In the Game of Thrones you win or you SHAME.
Alan dropped his pen
Rowan has learnt the ways of spiritualism and wants to teach Adam and Alan about acceptance.
Sometimes an argument just keeps going...
'You lick it you keep it' could very well be the most important rule of the street
Ben is FURIOUS... but not for the reasons you might think... All he wants is a refund - even if he doesn't have his receipt!
Playtech has a new USB special, created by Rowan. It's a great deal!
Sometimes waiting for good customer service can take one sec
Since finding Adam crying while at work, Rowan has had to instigate some new rules about crying while at work
Some people prefer a specific carpark...
Rowan decides to try and conduct business from outside the shop when he forgets his keys. With everyone locked out... how will they do?
Ellie is finally back at Playtech!! Her holiday has been so amazing and refreshing that literally nothing could get her down...
Adam is a bad boy outside of work
Rowan hasn't quite got the concept of free samples, and it could be costing Playtech quite a bit.
Adam, Alan and Rowan are pretty down in the dumps about it being Monday. They've got a few swear words to say about Mondays
Alan finds it very annoying when customers come in after closing time... but Ben knows what he wants. He'll just be in and out!
The White Shirt returns to Playtech to wreak havoc. The Saga continues
One Shirt to rule them all, One Shirt to find them, One Shirt to bring them all, and in the Playtech bind them. The Gold Shirt makes its dramatic entrance.
The Red shirt returns, but not as you might expect. No one expects the power it now holds
Rowan is angry that Adam never applied for leave before dying
Rowan has decided to make a Playtech training video to help the employees work harder and faster... but it is the literal worst
Adam seems to be the worst person in the world. He likes milky tea.
Adam gets left hanging by Alan, and as per the rules of high five must keep his hand up for the rest of the day
Getting put through workplace trust training is a lot of work for bored employees.
Ellie is Rowan's favorite and everyone knows it. Shes the golden girl
Adam eats way too loudly... and he's just opened a bag of chips Hit up our Kickstarter and consider donating to help us expand the world of Epic NPC Man!
Alan has a very odd package for Byron to deliver... and Byron suspects that it might be a dead body.
There is a big delivery that needs to go out, and the team isn't confident that Byron can actually commit to delivering it all
Hamish pre purchased and it seems like he is never going to get his computer! The delayed order might be because of Rowan...
[Video Specific]
Covid-19 lockdown has meant that Playtech has been closed for 2 months... but Rowan doesn't seem to know anything about Corona Virus
Ben has stooped to some new lows in his effort to scam Playtech... this time masquerading as an imposter employee.
Adam hasn't had a meal in a few hours and it is completely changing his personality... he's getting a bit hangry
Alan and Adam have noticed something weird... they are suddenly animated. But Rowan is having none of it.
This customer has been plaguing Playtech for ages. It's time to put a stop to it. Though Ben has other plans...
This customer just doesn't know anything about how computers work. He's about to learn a big lesson of clearing cookies from the cache.
Rowan has started to forget the most basic human things... but lets be honest is he really even human?
Adam has one particular friend who always takes advantage of him. David just isn't a good mate.
There are specific rules for when you injure yourself at work, and that involves are pretty lengthy accident report. And Rowan likes to work by the book.
Ellie has the horrible task of requesting leave from Rowan. But she's come up with a plan to get fully paid leave.
David has a magical power over women, and Ellie has been caught in the headlights.
Rowan has had a little accident and now it is nice Rowan walking around Playtech. It could be to do with his head bump.
As a manager Rowan needs to learn how to give constructive feedback. So Alan is here to teach him the compliment sandwich
Rowan wants to do a bit of team building with Simon Says... and get something else off his chest.
Rowan needs to try to explain to Ellie what mansplaining is... and she's just not getting it
Adam finally takes it upon himself to stand up to Rowan who is the literal worst boss ever.
Adam has brought some very smelly food to work. A horrible meal with all the sins! Eggy Garlic Fish!
Ever been to a mediation at work? They don't always go the way you hope.
The ultimate showdown is upon us. Rowan finally finds his biggest foe as manager. Karen.
Rowan and Alan are convinced that each others is bigger. But does size matter?
It's a pretty awkward movement when you are in a store and you get mistaken for an employee by another customer.
WARNING THIS VIDEO CONTAINS ACTUAL REAL SPOILERS FOR AVENGERS ENDGAME Alan is finally catching up on Avengers Endgame... however everyone knows at least 1 person who is a spoiler machine.
Ellie has figured out the perfect way to get off work - its called the broom technique
Adam experiences the horror of sitting in a workplace meeting and not knowing the jargon when the acronyms are just too intense... and not wanting to admit it.
Accidently getting high at any time isn't great - but when you're at work its a whole new level
The feeling of getting a USB in first time is actually the most pure form of ecstasy. Nothing else compares
Rowan thinks its a good idea to play X-mas music in the store for the entire Christmas period... and the staff aren't happy
The second lot of 100 episodes of Bored to celebrate us hitting 200 episodes recently! And many more to come in the future!
Pull up a chair, get comfy and watch a bunch of Bored Episodes back to back!
Get into your comfy pants and get on board with 10 episodes of Bored back to back!
The fear of public speaking is something that runs deeply through all of us. Making a presentation at work is not easy.
Using scripts in retail can be painful - especially if its Rowan giving you scripted Dialogue.
Alan has a pretty hard time connecting with a... difficult customer...
Tipping in retail is a bit of a scam - and Rowan is the master scammer
This is a fool-proof method to fix a computer, all you need to do it hit it.
Employees tend to act like animals when work buys lunch. Nothing is more alluring than free food!
David has recently lost his job and is unemployed - he needs a favor from his best friend Adam.
Rowan isn't the best manager and is learning how to give praise... which comes out as a loud compliment
David is having more job problems and needs from money from Adam... but it's a bit awkward being robbed by your best friend.
Rowan mixes Adam and Alan's names up all the time - and he wont admit he's said the wrong name
Alan can't do anything about the card fees - so Ben has an idea... paying with coins
Rowan has just realised girls are gamers too - and he wants to help out
Sometimes online orders are just a little too overpackaged... delivered in a MASSIVE box
A couple of times per year Rowan likes to play Undercover Boss... but he ain't fooling anyone
Are you one of those people who need to sing to remember the alphabet?
Karen said she would return, and in greater numbers - and now she makes good on that promise! Can Adam, Rowan and Alan defeat the ultimate evil?
Rowan has decided to start a call centre at Playtech - but his rules are absurd.
Rowan is guided by the computer, and it tells him that the product is out of stock. It's not the last item
Alan is on the phones this time - with a teenage boy trying to hide something in his computer... this task is a minefield.
Sometimes you NEED to use a shops bathroom for... personal business... so they give you the bathroom key.
Alan and Adam's fun game at work is absolutely ruined by Rowan when he comes in being a bad sport.
Rowan has created a Playtech wellness room for the employees to take a break, relax, recharge and unwind.
Rowan doesn't know how noise cancelling works... should Alan and Adam tell him?
Ellie has a paycut incoming and has the perfect way to deal with it.
Alan and Ellie have figured out a way to get extra breaks at work - pretending to smoke!
Don't get your hopes up around here!
Where did I last see it..?
When a change raise scam goes wrong.
Don't you love that little voice in your head?
Winning on a friends scratch ticket.
Alan has to babysit Rowan's niece - however did not know babysitting was in his contract.
Rowan is trying to mandate that all the Playtech employees wear masks... if only he knew how to wear a mask properly.
Adam gets saddled with a punishing customer.
Rowan as a pen thief at work? Who would have thought?!
Rowan is doing the Star wars test on Ellie - but does he know he is gatekeeping?
Some times people believe in the tooth fairy for a bit too long.
Rowan has a bit of social media jealously looking at all of Adam's followers.
Thanks so much to PlayTech for all the amazing memories of shooting in their store!
Like honestly how have we made THIS many episodes!
Pen wars, horrible nieces, money scams, lotto tickets and forgetting your words... it's been an intense 10 episodes
Hot customers, workplace health and safety, lanyard people - this supercut has it all! Check out the fun and quirky comedy of the retail team at Playtech
Drones, phones and hot customers. This Bored compilation has it all
Influencers, double managers, chat bots - what more could you want?
Get your eyeballs on the new Bored compilation before the new and improved series drops!
In the lead up to the new Bored series, enjoy the last compilation of episodes from the old series!
Bored is finally coming back next week. Bigger, better and improved!
The joy of getting into a store in the final minutes of the sale!
Bored is finally coming back next week. Bigger, better and improved!
The hot new technology that every gamer needs - a gaming catheter!
Passive aggressive emails in the workplace can be horrible!
Rowan and Byron are very serious about health and safety in the workplace.
Ben loves living life with a laugh track... but Alan has no idea...
Rowan thinks that Adam has accessed the Dark Web... but it's just Dark mode...
Today Rowan changes the world by giving one hundred dollars to a lowly retail worker. Lets change the world fam. Tissue time.
Adam is sick and tired of people making fun of his milky tea.
Rowan has been browsing the r/antiwork subreddit... and now he wants to start revealing everyone's pay rates...
Rowan being classic Rowan tricks the team... how could they even fall for it?
Playtech has moved into the future and is now using drone delivery.
Compilation of Rowan being the worst manager ever!
It's pretty awkward when you accidently say I love you to someone... and Rowan makes it even more awkward.
It's always going to be a bit of a surprise when you get a substitute boss.
Having a power cut can induce a lot of panic... especially if the internet goes down.
This customer doesn't really know what backwards compatible means.
Rowan has an affair with the new Playtech AI chatbot.
Rowan has come up with an incentive program... reverse incentives...
Rowan and Ben fight over an unwanted receipt.
Now both Rowan AND Ben are noise cancelling idiots... how refreshing.
Alan is possessed by Zilcon Destroyer #highscore #halloween
Ellie has to deal with bad pickup lines every day in retail... but this is a new one. Special guest: Niwa Whatuira
Rowan has figured out a cheap way of travel to post yourself to Hawaii.
David is FINALLY paying Adam back... because of his Sugar Daddy. Special guest: David Correos
That shit's dingo!
Hamish has a weirdly specific computer issue... and Alan is just the man for the job.
Rowan believes that Santa is real... because of all the presents he gets!
Having two managers can lead to having to do an impossible task...
Rowan, Ellie, Alan and Adam arrive at TechTown and meet Britt, Rhi and John! The future awaits!
Bored Supercut of the the last 10 episodes including: 0:01 Doctors Note 3:14 Accidentally Married 6:22 Mouse My Size 10:56 Contagious Yawn 13:56 Browsing Charge 16:32 Retail Clinger 19:27 Child Menace 21:41 Weird Survey 24:06 Useless Boyfriend 26:44 Fickle Customer
Branding, Santa, IT and craziness
Alan has been gone for so long... when will he return
Compilation of some of the reasons why Alan quit Techtown
Alan hath been gone along time. But with evil forces brewing in TechTown - a hero needs to return… with the white shirt
Rowan is a fully qualified doctor. So stand back!
Rowan needs to learn about Laybuy, and Pay-Delay, and After-Cost
Rowan and Brynley have a lust for power that can't be contained.
Rowan doesn't quite understand how getting pranked works.
Rowan discovers that he has mind powers.
Rowan has a new plan for a self checkout.
Rowan has a new trainee that everyone has to help learn the ropes... and it is the worst.
It's time for Alan to accept 'That Shit's Dingo', even if it is a bad catchphrase.
Bored is back baby! Bigger and Better than ever! And the new store is unveiled! Techtown!
Rowan is once again a red shirt peasant! And he's not taking it well.
Everyone has a go at being manager... but who is the best?!
TechTown has very strict rules about interacting with customers. You MUST implement the smile zone.
Rowan is hiring a new delivery guy. No idea who he is... even though he looks familiar.
When a customer tries to use an old expired voucher.
Ben is OUTRAGED that his burger looks nothing like the picture
Rowan gets a suspicious package delivered to work
Hamish just wants to buy from TechTown without being guilted into a charity donation
Finding a suspicious bag in store can cause a bit of panic
Do you follow the customer always right, or company policy?!
Rowan comes to the understanding that he might be accidently married
Customer Ben comes in with a classic impossible request
Yawning at work can be a disaster with how contagious they are
Rowan is fed up and now charging people to browse!
Having a retail assistant follow you around being a clinger can be the worst
There is only 1 true way to deal with annoying children in retail
Rowan has started making customers do a really weird customer survey
If only customers knew what they wanted instead of being so useless
Fickle customers coming into the store and changing their mind are the worst!
Adam has been doing such a good job at work that he gets a mystery prize!!
Eating food in store be like
Alan might be a good fake Santa for Rowan's benefit... but not when he runs into Real Santa.
Black Shirt Manager Day (aka Black Friday) is here!
Rowan is an idiot, he's the virus in TechTown. Luckily the new IT guy Theo knows how to fit a computer
Ellie is playing dumb
Rowan is an idiot and is doing the mailing lists the hard way!
TechTown has a policy for fighting customers #fightclub
Retail employees in customer service do not want to help anyone. They're like ghosts
When your boss forces you to socialize
Ben is back again with his old tricks, but Theo knows how to deal with this
Rowan in his usual stupidity has absolutely no idea how water cooling actually works
Hamish has a LOT of guilt for leaving the store without purchasing something... and things go wrong!
Rowan needs some tips and tricks to remember his forgotten password!
Rowan thinks that Theo the IT guy has mind control powers
Ben just wanted to come in and ruin Adam's display
Ben is back to his tricks, this time with a job scam
Rowan has decided to make a TechTown commercial... and it might have been a bit expensive...
Has your hoodie ever tried to suffocate you to death? Rowan suffers from hoodie Melodrama
Rowan might be a shit manager, but he's amazing at taking charge in an emergency
Rowan is a chronic phone wanderer - and the others have to manage this!
Ben is back at it with his old tricks trying to scam TechTown... this time its a bit absurd disguising himself as a shelf man
Rowan wants AI to do everyone's job - and not everyone is keen on this.
Britt wants to celebrate Rowan on international managers day!
Alan wants to print in colour, but to do that, he has to see the administrator
Rowan has a plan to keep Alan and Adam at their desks... and it's degrading
Rowan has started to pick favorites at work... and Alan is having none of it
Rowan wants to reward everyone by forcing them to go on a staff party
Everyone gets new business cards! Yay! Want to see how it pans out? Make sure you tune in next week
Alan is definitely coming back. So Rowan is waiting to laugh in his face about it.
Rowan wants an important meeting to go over Alan and his lack of respect to TechTown
Alan is back guys! Yay he's finally back at TechTown and definitely not blow up...
Is there a sale on at TechTown? It's hard to tell
Getting hunted by an employee while their store is having a sale is like a horror
Byron didn't know there was going to be a sale
Britt is being forced to take a holiday, though she DEFINITELY doesn't want to
NFT's are the new thing, and Rowan is trying to trick a customer into buying it.
Rowan fails his captcha test... which means he's definitely a Robot
There is an evil within TechTown that has borrowed deep. There is only 1 person who can remove that parasite!
This is where Alan has been?? Will he return?? WHAT IS GOING ON??
TechTown is under attack! No matter where they go Byt3barn will find them!
Only one person can save Techtown
Ben has another plan to pay with a billion dollar note
When coffee runs out the caffeine addiction takes a dark turn at TechTown
Ben is quick to use his phone to record the horrible service at TechTown
Rowan discovers the cloud storage backup... but its not what he thinks...
Alan discovers Ellie's clever way of avoiding work. It's quite unorthadox!
Rowans dad informs the team about a mystery shopper... but there might be more to it...
Santa returns to TechTown and this time he isn't taking any prisoners... except for Adam. He literally takes Adam prisoner.
Adam has a rather disturbing secret, and Britt knows all about it.
Rowan's giving out TechTowns best deals ever
We figured we'd show you guys some of the lols that go on behind the scenes of Bored. We also wanna take this opportunity to show our appreciation to Playtech for allowing us to film in their amazing location.