You’ve never done a booty burner THIS CRAZY. Enough said.
This one’s short, sweet, and on-fire—just the way it sounds—but trust us, it’s your new “go-to” abs workout.
Sophia shows you a brand-new way to work your entire body in this sweaty workout using only your bodyweight.
Boxing is Sophia's passion, because it makes her feel sexy, confident, and powerful—body and mind. Now it’s your turn…
You’ll definitely feel like a badass doing this sweat session of boxing, dance, and more of Sophia's favorite power moves.
You know what’s coming just from the name. Sophia will get you through it—but make sure you fuel up first for this beast of a workout.
Time to unleash that wild animal inside you. You won’t know what your body is capable of until you lay down these insane moves.
Crush some more of Sophia's favorite moves in this intense, nonstop HIIT-style workout that delivers a total-body blast.
You only need one piece of equipment for this epic routine—your own body. This cardio-focused routine torches calories and will give you a head-start on your new B.A.B. (BOMB ASS BODY).
Get ready to crush Sophia's all-time favorite moves and light your whole body on fire! You may want to drink your pre-workout before trying this one…#SorryNotSorry!