Three years into their amorous marriage, Michio and Rumiko (affectionately nicknamed each other "Mittang" and "Rumitang") continue to be the most lovey dovey couple in town. Mittang is swooped up by a major advertising agency, offered a lucrative chance to work overseas and seems to be heading for big-time success. All that changes when he receives word that his wife was involved in a minor bicycle accident. That was enough to make Mittang quit his job to stay close to his one and only love, who after the accident, is no longer the same Rumitang he knew. His lovely wife exhibits phenomenal memory recall powers, but with one little glitch…cute Rumitang transforms into a craggy-faced, but well-known mnemonic specialist called Tamachi Kouji. --NTV
主人公は、「バカップル」と呼ばれるほど超ラブラブな夫婦。あるアクシデントをきっかけに何かを思い出そうとするとおじさんの姿に変身するようになった妻と、その対処にあたふたする夫が、さまざまなトラブルを乗り越える夫婦愛をコミカルに描く。 (Wikipedia)
町田道男(伊藤英明 飾)和留美子(筱原涼子 飾)結婚剛剛沒多久,正處於恩愛的蜜月期,道男的上司想將道男派遣到巴黎工作,不願意和妻子分開的道男選擇了辭職。一場意外中,留美子騎著自行車撞到了一位名叫田町浩二(古田新太 飾)的男子,雖然身體並沒有什麼大礙,但留美子卻似乎繼承了浩二絕佳的記憶力。